recommended [形容词]:被推荐的;合适的;可接受的。
recommendation [名词]:推荐;建议;劝告。
recommendation 和 suggestion 都可以表示“建议”,但suggestion 更强调提出想法或提议,而recommendation 更强调推荐或建议通过一种行动或决策。
1. recommendable [形容词]:值得推荐的。
2. recommender [名词]:推荐人。
1. suggestion [名词]:建议;提议。
2. advice [名词]:劝告;忠告。
3. proposal [名词]:提议;建议。
1. criticism [名词]:批评;指责。
2. disapproval [名词]:不赞成;反对。
recommendation [名词]:The recommendation of someone or something is the suggestion that they are good or suitable for a particular job or purpose.
recommendation [名词]:A recommendation is a suggestion about what is best or most suitable for a particular purpose or occasion.
1. I would like to ask for your recommendation on which restaurant to go to for dinner.
2. The book comes with a recommended retail price of $20.
3. Based on the doctor's recommendation, I decided to start taking the medication.
4. The committee made a recommendation to increase funding for education.
5. Can you give me any recommendations for places to visit in this city?
- I would like to ask for your recommendation on which restaurant to go to for dinner. (我想请教你对于晚餐去哪家餐厅的推荐。)
- The book comes with a recommended retail price of $20. (这本书的推荐零售价为20美元。)
- Based on the doctor's recommendation, I decided to start taking the medication. (基于医生的建议,我决定开始服药。)
- The committee made a recommendation to increase funding for education. (委员会提出了增加教育经费的建议。)
- Can you give me any recommendations for places to visit in this city? (你能给我一些建议,在这个城市里参观哪些地方吗?)
- His recommendation for a good book turned out to be excellent. (他的一本好书的推荐结果非常出色。)
- The hiring manager wrote a glowing recommendation for the job applicant. (招聘经理为求职者写了一封极力推荐的推荐信。)
- I followed my friend's recommendation and watched that movie. It was amazing! (我听从了朋友的建议,看了那部电影。太棒了!)
- Based on customer recommendations, we have added a new item to our menu. (根据顾客的推荐,我们在菜单上添加了一个新项目。)
- The doctor provided me with some recommendations for improving my overall health. (医生为我提供了一些建议,以改善我的整体健康。)
- I received a recommendation from my professor for a research grant. (我获得了导师对研究经费的推荐。)
- The company implemented several of the employee's recommendations to improve productivity. (公司采纳了员工的几个建议,以提高生产力。)
- The recommended daily dosage of the supplement is two capsules. (该补充剂的每日推荐剂量是两粒胶囊。)
- She received a glowing recommendation from her previous employer. (她收到了前雇主的极力推荐。)
- The government issued a recommendation to all citizens to wear face masks in public places. (政府向所有公民发布了在公共场所戴口罩的建议。)
- His recommendation for a reliable car brand helped me make my purchase decision. (他对一家可靠的汽车品牌的推荐帮助我做出了购买决策。)
- The recommendable restaurant is known for its delicious food and excellent service. (这家值得推荐的餐厅以其美味的食物和优质的服务而闻名。)
- She acted on her friend's recommendations and visited all the top attractions in the city. (她按照朋友的建议,参观了这个城市的所有热门景点。)
- He provided me with some valuable recommendations for improving my presentation skills. (他给了我一些建设性的建议,以提高我的演讲技巧。)
- The recommendation to hire more staff was met with approval from the management team. (增加员工的建议得到了管理团队的批准。)