1. marketable:可以销售的,有市场的。
例句:This product is highly marketable in Asia.(这个产品在亚洲有很大的销售潜力。)
1. marketing:市场营销,营销活动。
例句:The company is planning a new marketing campaign.(公司正在策划一次新的市场营销活动。)
2. marketer:营销人员,市场营销者。
例句:She is a successful marketer for a leading fashion brand.(她是一家知名时尚品牌的成功营销人员。)
1. advertising:广告,广告业。强调通过广告传播信息和促进销售。
例句:The company invests heavily in advertising to promote its new product.(公司大量投资广告来推广其新产品。)
2. promotion:促销,推销。强调通过各种促销手段提高销售量。
例句:The supermarket offers special promotions to attract more customers.(超市提供特别促销活动以吸引更多顾客。)
1. market research:市场调研,市场研究。
例句:The company conducted market research to identify customer preferences.(公司进行市场调研以了解顾客偏好。)
2. market segmentation:市场细分,市场划分。
例句:The company used market segmentation to target specific customer groups.(公司利用市场细分来针对特定的客户群体。)
1. sales:销售,销售额。
例句:The sales of the new product have been steadily increasing.(新产品的销售额持续增长。)
2. advertising:广告,广告业。
例句:The company launched an advertising campaign to promote its latest product.(公司推出了一项广告活动来推广其最新产品。)
1. production:生产,制造。
例句:The company focuses on production efficiency to reduce costs.(公司专注于提高生产效率以降低成本。)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
Marketing is the organization of the sale of a product, for example, deciding on its price, the areas it should be supplied to, and how it should be advertised.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
1. marketing strategy:市场营销策略。
例句:The company developed a new marketing strategy to target younger consumers.(公司制定了一项针对年轻消费者的新市场营销策略。)
2. digital marketing:数字营销。
例句:Digital marketing has become increasingly important in today's business world.(数字营销在当今的商业世界中变得越来越重要。)
1. Our company's marketing team is working on a new advertising campaign for our latest product.(我们公司的营销团队正在为我们的最新产品制定一项新的广告活动。)
2. The success of a marketing strategy often depends on understanding consumer behavior.(市场营销策略的成功往往取决于对消费者行为的理解。)
3. We need to conduct market research to identify our target audience and their preferences.(我们需要进行市场调研,以确定我们的目标受众及其偏好。)
4. The company's marketing efforts have resulted in a significant increase in sales.(公司的市场营销努力导致销售额大幅增长。)
5. The marketing department is responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies.(市场营销部门负责制定和实施市场营销策略。)
6. Social media has become an important platform for marketing and advertising.(社交媒体已成为重要的市场营销和广告平台。)
7. The company hired a renowned marketer to help promote their new line of products.(公司聘请了一位知名营销人员来帮助推广他们的新产品系列。)
8. Effective marketing requires a deep understanding of consumer needs and desires.(有效的市场营销需要对消费者的需求和欲望有深刻的了解。)
9. The marketing team analyzed market trends and competitor strategies to develop a successful marketing plan.(市场营销团队分析市场趋势和竞争对手的策略,制定了一份成功的营销计划。)
10. The company launched a new marketing campaign to target international markets.(公司推出了一项针对国际市场的新市场营销活动。)
11. The marketing budget was allocated to various advertising channels to maximize reach and impact.(市场营销预算分配给各种广告渠道,以最大化覆盖范围和影响力。)
12. The marketing department collaborated with the design team to create visually appealing promotional materials.(市场营销部门与设计团队合作,制作视觉吸引人的推广材料。)
13. The company uses data analysis to measure the effectiveness of its marketing campaigns.(公司使用数据分析来衡量其市场营销活动的有效性。)
14. The marketing manager presented the company's latest marketing strategies at the conference.(市场营销经理在会议上介绍了公司的最新市场营销策略。)
15. The marketing team conducted a survey to gather feedback from customers on their brand perception.(市场营销团队进行了一项调查,以了解顾客对品牌的认知。)
16. The company's marketing efforts aim to create a strong brand image and increase brand loyalty.(公司的市场营销努力旨在塑造强大的品牌形象并提高品牌忠诚度。)
17. The marketing campaign generated a high level of interest and resulted in a significant increase in website traffic.(市场营销活动引发了很高水平的兴趣,并导致网站流量显著增加。)
18. The marketing team analyzed customer feedback to identify areas for improvement in their product offerings.(市场营销团队分析客户反馈,确定产品提供方面的改进空间。)
19. The company's marketing strategy focuses on targeting millennials through social media platforms.(公司的市场营销策略专注于通过社交媒体平台瞄准千禧一代。)
20. The marketing department collaborated with influencers to promote the brand to a wider audience.(市场营销部门与意见领袖合作,将品牌推广给更广泛的受众。)