1. log的中文翻译:厚重的,笨重的2. log的英文翻译:thick, heavy, bulky
1. log的中文翻译:原木,木材2. log的英文翻译:log, timber, wood
3. log的中文翻译:记录,日志
4. log的英文翻译:record, log, diary
1. log与timber的区别:
1. log cabin:小木屋
2. log fire:木柴火
3. log book:航海日志
4. log file:日志文件
5. logging:伐木业
6. logger:伐木工人
1. timber:wood
2. record:journal
1. lumber:木材
2. delete:删除
1. log的词性:名词2. log的释义:a section of the trunk or a main branch of a tree, when stripped of branches
3. log的例句:
- We sawed some logs for firewood.
- The cabin was built from logs.
- The logs were floated down the river.
1. log的词性:名词2. log的释义:a part of the trunk or a large branch of a tree that has fallen or been cut off
3. log的例句:
- The logs were stacked in a pile.
- We had a fire burning in the fireplace, with logs crackling and popping.
- He built a log cabin in the woods.
1. log作为名词的用法:
- We need to chop some logs for the fire.
- The lumberjack felled a massive log.
- The ship's log recorded the daily activities of the crew.
2. log作为动词的用法:
- They logged the forest to make way for a new highway.
- Please log in to your account before accessing the website.
- She spent hours logging her daily expenses in a spreadsheet.
1. 我们砍了一些木柴。
We sawed some logs for firewood.
2. 小木屋是用原木建造的。
The cabin was built from logs.
3. 这些原木被漂流到了河里。
The logs were floated down the river.
4. 这些原木被堆放在一起。
The logs were stacked in a pile.
5. 我们的壁炉里燃着木柴,木头噼啪作响。
We had a fire burning in the fireplace, with logs crackling and popping.
6. 他在树林里建了一间木屋。
He built a log cabin in the woods.
7. 我们需要为取暖砍些木头。
We need to chop some logs for the fire.
8. 伐木工砍倒了一根巨大的木头。
The lumberjack felled a massive log.
9. 船舶日志记录了船员的日常活动。
The ship's log recorded the daily activities of the crew.
10. 他们伐木以便修建新的公路。
They logged the forest to make way for a new highway.
11. 在访问网站之前,请先登录您的账户。
Please log in to your account before accessing the website.
12. 她花了几个小时把每天的开支记录在电子表格中。
She spent hours logging her daily expenses in a spreadsheet.
13. 他们用原木建造了一座桥梁。
They constructed a bridge using logs.
14. 我们在浓密的森林中迷失了方向。
We got lost in the dense thicket of logs.
15. 他用斧子把原木劈成小块。
He split the log into smaller pieces with an axe.
16. 他们用大车将原木从森林里运出。
They transported the logs out of the forest with a truck.
17. 在这个地区,伐木业是一项重要的经济活动。
Logging is an important economic activity in this region.
18. 这个国家制定了严格的伐木法规。
This country has established strict logging regulations.
19. 他在伐木工人中间工作了很多年。
He worked as a logger for many years.
20. 这个镇上有一家著名的木材加工厂。
There is a well-known timber mill in this town.