中英词典 - "censors"
1. 鉴定者; 审查员- 词性:名词
- 解释:负责审查、监督和审查作品(如文学、电影、音乐等)内容的人员。
- 例句:
- The censors were criticized for their strict control over the media.
- The film was banned by the censors due to its explicit content.
- 词性:名词
- 解释:负责检查和审查特定领域(如国家机构、组织或公共服务部门)的行为和活动的人员。
- 例句:
- The government appointed a censor to oversee the financial operations of the company.
- The censor found irregularities in the accounts of the organization.
审查; 检查- 词性:动词
- 解释:对内容、信息或作品进行审查和检查,以确定其是否符合特定的标准、要求或规定。
- 例句:
- The government censors all incoming and outgoing mail to ensure security.
- The book was censored by the publisher before its release.
审查的; 检查的- 词性:形容词
- 解释:与审查或检查相关的;被审查或检查的。
- 例句:
- The government imposed strict censorship laws to control the flow of information.
- The artist faced criticism for his censored artwork.
"censors" 和 "inspectors" 都可以指检查和审查某些事物的人员,但 "censors" 更强调审查和监督内容的合规性,而 "inspectors" 则更广泛地涵盖了各行各业的检查员。
- censorship:审查制度
- censored:被审查的
- censorious:挑剔的;苛评的
- censoriously:苛刻地
- examiners
- supervisors
- regulators
- scrutinizers
- controllers
- promoters
- supporters
- advocates
- defenders
censors (名词) - 审查员;检查员
1. 审查;检查
censors (名词) - 鉴定人;审查员
1. 审查;鉴定
- censors 是名词和动词的复数形式。
- 作为名词,它可以指审查员、监察官或检查员。
- 作为动词,它表示对内容、信息或作品进行审查和检查。
- 相关的形容词是 "censored",表示被审查的或被检查的。
- The film was rejected by the censors due to its explicit content. - 这部电影因其露骨的内容被审查员拒绝。
- The censors were accused of suppressing freedom of speech. - 人们指责审查员压制言论自由。
- The government appointed a team of censors to review the documents. - 政府指派了一组审查员来审核文件。
- The book underwent extensive censorship before its publication. - 这本书在出版前经历了广泛的审查。
- He decided to censor the offensive language in the article. - 他决定删去文章中的冒犯性语言。
- The censored version of the song was played on the radio. - 这首歌的被审查版本在广播中播放。
- The inspectors will censor the product for any defects before it is shipped. - 这些检查员将会对产品进行检查,以防止任何缺陷在发货前被发现。
- The government censors all internet content to control the flow of information. - 政府审查所有互联网内容以控制信息流动。
- The magazine was censured for publishing inaccurate information. - 这本杂志因发布不准确的信息而受到谴责。
- His speech was heavily censored by the authorities. - 他的演讲遭到当局的严格审查。
- The censors redacted sensitive information from the document. - 审查员从文件中删除了敏感信息。
- The censors are responsible for upholding the standards of the industry. - 审查员负责维护行业的标准。
- The film director clashed with the censors over the controversial scenes. - 这位电影导演与审查员就有争议的场景发生冲突。
- The censors reviewed the manuscript before it was published. - 这些审查员在出版之前审阅了手稿。
- The censored newspaper article angered many readers. - 被审查的报纸文章激怒了许多读者。
- She received a censor's warning for her explicit photographs. - 她因其露骨的照片收到了审查员的警告。
- The censors removed several scenes from the movie for its violent content. - 审查员删除了电影中的几个场景,因为其中包含暴力内容。
- The censors have the authority to ban books they find objectionable. - 审查员有权禁止他们认为不合适的书籍。
- The government has been accused of using censorship to control public opinion. - 人们指责政府利用审查制度来控制舆论。
- The censors demanded that the controversial words be removed from the song lyrics. - 审查员要求从歌词中删除有争议的词语。