1. 脚a. (身体部位) 足部
He hurt his foot while playing soccer.
b. (计量单位) 英尺
The room is 10 feet long.
2. 步态
a. 步行方式
He walked with a heavy foot.
b. (非正式) 步行
Let's go to the park on foot.
3. 基底
a. (建筑) 地基
They laid a solid concrete foot for the building.
b. (家具) 脚
The chair has four wooden feet.
1. 步行的The foot patrol officer walked through the neighborhood.
The foot journey was exhausting, but rewarding.
2. 底部的
The foot of the mountain was covered in thick fog.
She placed her foot on the foot pedal of the sewing machine.
foot, leg, and ankle 都是与脚有关的词汇,但含义略有不同。foot 是指整个脚,包括足部和脚踝。leg 是指从膝盖到脚踝的部分。ankle 则是指脚踝这个关节部位。
1. 脚leg, lower limb
2. 步行
walk, stroll
3. 基底
base, foundation
1. 脚head
2. 步行
ride, drive
3. 基底
foot (noun)
- The foot is the part of your body that is at the bottom of your leg, and that you stand on.
- A foot is a unit of measurement equal to 12 inches or 30.48 centimeters.
- Your feet are the parts of your body that you stand on.
foot (adjective)
- Foot is used to talk about things that are at the bottom of something, or the lowest part of something.
foot (noun)
- The lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks.
- A unit of linear measure equal to 12 inches (30.48 cm).
- The base or bottom of something.
foot (adjective)
- Lowest in position or status.
- Denoting a specified part of a mountain or hill.
1. "foot" 作为名词时,可以指身体部位、计量单位或基底。
2. "foot" 作为形容词时,可以表示处于底部的或地位最低的。
- He hurt his foot while playing soccer. (他在踢足球时受伤了。)
- The room is 10 feet long. (这个房间有10英尺长。)
- He walked with a heavy foot. (他步态沉重地走路。)
- Let's go to the park on foot. (我们步行去公园吧。)
- They laid a solid concrete foot for the building. (他们为建筑物打了坚实的混凝土地基。)
- The chair has four wooden feet. (这把椅子有四个木脚。)
- The foot patrol officer walked through the neighborhood. (步行巡逻的警察穿过了这个社区。)
- The foot journey was exhausting, but rewarding. (这次徒步旅行虽然很辛苦,但是很有回报。)
- The foot of the mountain was covered in thick fog. (山脚被浓雾覆盖着。)
- She placed her foot on the foot pedal of the sewing machine. (她把脚放在缝纫机的踏板上。)
- He has a broken foot and needs crutches to walk. (他脚受伤了,需要拐杖走路。)
- She has beautiful feet and always wears stylish shoes. (她的脚很漂亮,总是穿时髦的鞋子。)
- He walked with a heavy footstep, making the floor shake. (他脚步沉重地走路,地板都震动了。)
- They measured the length of the room with a tape measure in feet. (他们用尺子以英尺为单位测量了房间的长度。)
- I kicked the ball with my right foot. (我用右脚踢了球。)
- The foot of the ladder was securely fixed to the ground. (梯子的底部牢固地固定在地上。)
- She took off her shoes and walked barefoot on the sand. (她脱掉鞋子,赤脚在沙滩上走。)
- He was the first to set foot on the moon. (他是第一个登上月球的人。)
- The footprints in the snow led us to the cabin. (雪地上的脚印引导我们找到了小屋。)
- I need new footwear for hiking in the mountains. (我需要一双新的登山鞋。)
- The football match ended in a draw. (足球比赛以平局结束。)