形容词: 1. 当前的;现在的 - 英文解释:existing or happening now - 例句:She is not present at the moment. - 她现在不在场。 2. 出席的;在场的 - 英文解释:in a particular place - 例句:All the students should be present in the classroom. - 所有学生都应该在教室里。 3. 现在的;礼物 - 英文解释:given or sent to someone - 例句:He received many presents on his birthday. - 他在生日时收到了许多礼物。 名词: 1. 礼物;赠品 - 英文解释:a thing given to someone as a gift - 例句:She received a beautiful present from her friend. - 她从朋友那里收到了一份漂亮的礼物。 2. 现在;当前 - 英文解释:the period of time that is happening now - 例句:Let's focus on the present and not worry about the future. - 让我们专注于现在,不要担心未来。词语辨析:
- gift: 指作为礼物给予他人的东西,通常强调出于感谢、庆祝或赠送的目的。 - donation: 指捐赠给慈善机构或需要帮助的人的钱或物品。 - offer: 指主动给予的东西,可以是礼物、帮助、机会等。 - reward: 指因为做出特定行为或取得成就而获得的东西,通常涉及努力或付出。词汇扩充:
- presently: (副词) 现在,目前 - presentation: (名词) 展示,演讲 - presence: (名词) 在场,存在 - presents: (动词) 赠送,提出近义词:
current, existing, immediate, now, contemporary反义词:
absent, past, old, former柯林斯词典:
形容词: 1. Existing or happening now. 2. If you are present in a place, you are there. 3. A present situation is the one that exists now, rather than in the future or the past. 名词: 1. A present is something that you give to someone, for example, for their birthday or Christmas. 2. The present is the period of time that we are in now and the things that are happening now.牛津词典:
形容词: 1. Existing or occurring now. 2. In a particular place. 3. Existing or occurring in a place or thing. 4. Denoting a tense that refers to the present or future. 5. (Of a student) in school. 名词: 1. A thing given to someone as a gift. 2. The period of time now occurring. 3. The present tense.用法:
- 当"present"作为形容词时,一般放在名词之前。 - 当"present"作为名词时,可以用作可数名词或不可数名词。例句:
- She is not present at the moment.
她现在不在场。 - All the students should be present in the classroom.
所有学生都应该在教室里。 - He received many presents on his birthday.
他在生日时收到了许多礼物。 - She received a beautiful present from her friend.
她从朋友那里收到了一份漂亮的礼物。 - Let's focus on the present and not worry about the future.
让我们专注于现在,不要担心未来。 - He gave a present to his sister.
他给他妹妹一个礼物。 - I am presently studying for my exams.
我目前正在备考考试。 - The professor is giving a presentation on climate change.
教授正在做关于气候变化的演讲。 - The presence of the CEO at the meeting was unexpected.
首席执行官在会议上的出席是意外的。 - We will present our ideas at the conference next week.
我们将在下周的会议上提出我们的想法。 - His generous donation helped many people in need.
他慷慨的捐赠帮助了许多需要帮助的人。 - She offered her assistance to the elderly lady.
她主动提供帮助给那位老太太。 - They received a huge reward for their hard work.
他们因辛勤工作而获得了丰厚的回报。 - I was absent from the meeting yesterday.
我昨天没有参加会议。 - He used to live in London, but now he lives in Paris.
他过去住在伦敦,但现在住在巴黎。 - The old building has been replaced with a new one.