1. 奇迹;神迹
Meaning: Extraordinary events that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws, and are considered to be the work of a divine power.
- The recovery of the patient was considered a miracle by the doctors. (医生们认为病人的康复是一个奇迹。)
- The birth of a healthy baby after so many complications was nothing short of a miracle. (在经历了如此多的并发症后,一个健康宝宝的出生简直是个奇迹。)
2. 奇事;非凡的事情
Meaning: Extraordinary or remarkable events or phenomena that are awe-inspiring or unexplainable.
- The magician performed a series of miracles that left the audience in disbelief. (魔术师表演了一连串让观众难以置信的奇迹。)
- His success in such a short time can only be described as a miracle. (他在如此短的时间内取得的成功只能用奇迹来形容。)
Meaning: Extraordinary, unexplainable, or occurring through divine intervention.
- The miraculous recovery of the lost hiker amazed everyone. (失踪的徒步旅行者的奇迹般的康复让所有人都感到惊讶。)
- The miraculous discovery of a cure for the disease gave hope to countless patients. (对该疾病的奇迹般的治愈方法的发现给无数患者带来了希望。)
miracle vs wonder
Both words refer to extraordinary or remarkable events, but "miracle" often implies a divine or supernatural intervention, whereas "wonder" is more generally used to describe something that causes astonishment or amazement.
- The appearance of a rainbow after the storm was a miracle. (风暴后彩虹的出现是一个奇迹。)
- The ancient architecture of the city filled me with wonder. (这座城市的古老建筑让我惊叹不已。)
miraculousness (n. 奇迹般的特性)
miraculously (adv. 奇迹般地)
- wonder
- marvel
- phenomenon
- prodigy
- normality
- commonplace
- mundane
miracles (n.)
1. An event that is contrary to the established laws of nature and attributed to a supernatural cause.
2. Any amazing or wonderful event.
miraculous (adj.)
1. Of the nature of a miracle; extraordinary or supernatural.
2. Amazing or wonderful.
miracles (n.)
1. Extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws.
2. A remarkable event or development.
miraculous (adj.)
1. Occurring through divine or supernatural intervention.
2. Highly improbable and extraordinary.
"miracles" is usually used as a noun to refer to extraordinary events or as an adjective to describe something extraordinary or unexplainable.
- The miracle of life never ceases to amaze me. (生命的奇迹从未停止让我感到惊奇。)
- It was a miracle that no one was seriously injured in the accident. (在那次事故中没有人受重伤真是个奇迹。)
- The magician's tricks seemed like miracles to the audience. (魔术师的把戏对观众来说就像是奇迹。)
- The child's recovery from such a rare disease was truly miraculous. (孩子从如此罕见的疾病中康复真是奇迹。)
- The team's victory against the strong opponents was nothing short of a miracle. (对强大对手的胜利简直是个奇迹。)
- The miraculous healing powers of the holy water are widely believed by the devotees. (虔诚信徒广泛相信圣水的奇迹般的治愈力量。)
- Witnessing the birth of a star in the night sky was a miraculous experience. (目睹夜空中一颗星星的诞生是一次奇妙的经历。)
- The miraculous escape of the trapped miners brought hope to their families. (被困矿工的奇迹般逃脱给他们的家人带来了希望。)
- The discovery of a potential cure for cancer was hailed as a medical miracle. (对癌症潜在疗法的发现被誉为医学上的奇迹。)
- The miraculousness of the situation was evident to all who witnessed it. (所有目睹这一情景的人都能明显感受到其奇迹般的特性。)
- The rescuers found him alive in the wreckage, and it was nothing short of a miracle. (救援人员在废墟中发现他还活着,简直是个奇迹。)
- It is a miracle that she managed to survive such a traumatic experience. (她能够在如此创伤的经历中幸存下来是个奇迹。)
- The miraculous recovery of the lost painting after decades amazed the art world. (几十年后失散的画作的奇迹般找回让艺术界感到惊讶。)
- Her voice has a miraculous effect on people; it can calm even the most agitated souls. (她的声音对人们有着奇妙的影响力;它能平静即使是最不安的灵魂。)
- The scientist's groundbreaking discovery was considered a miraculous breakthrough in the field of medicine. (这位科学家的突破性发现被认为是医学领域的奇迹突破。)
- The birth of their healthy baby was a miracle they had been praying for. (他们一直在祈祷的健康宝宝的诞生是个奇迹。)
- Her survival against all odds was nothing short of a miracle. (她在万般无奈中的生存简直是个奇迹。)
- The miraculous transformation of the rundown neighborhood into a thriving community was the result of dedicated efforts. (破败的社区奇迹般地转变为繁荣的社区,这是付出努力的结果。)
- The audience watched in awe as the magician performed one miracle after another. (观众惊叹地看着魔术师一个接一个地表演奇迹。)
- His escape from the burning building was nothing short of a miracle. (他从燃烧的建筑物中逃生简直是个奇迹。)
- Many people consider the existence of life on other planets to be a miracle waiting to be discovered. (许多人认为其他星球上存在生命是一个等待被发现的奇迹。)