1. 名词
magnum opus
- 中文翻译:杰作,巨著
- 英文解释:a great work, especially a literary or artistic masterpiece
2. 形容词
magnum opus
- 中文翻译:杰出的,卓越的
- 英文解释:remarkably outstanding or superior
3. 词语辨析
magnum opus与其他相关词语的区别:
- masterpiece:指艺术家或作家的杰作,尤指最有声望的作品。
- opus:泛指任何形式的作品,而非特指杰作。
- tour de force:指技艺高超或非凡成就的作品。
4. 词汇扩充
与magnum opus相关的扩展词汇:
- magnum opusist:巨著作家
- magnum opusism:杰作主义
5. 近义词
magnum opus的近义词:
- masterpiece
- tour de force
- great work
- masterwork
- chef-d'oeuvre
6. 反义词
magnum opus的反义词:
- failure
- flop
- disaster
- botch
7. 柯林斯词典解释
magnum opus的柯林斯词典解释:
a great work, esp. the chief work of a writer or artist
8. 牛津词典解释
magnum opus的牛津词典解释:
a large and important work of art, music, or literature, especially one regarded as the most important work of an artist or writer
9. 用法
magnum opus的用法示例:
- His latest novel is considered his magnum opus.(他的最新小说被认为是他的巨著。)
- The artist spent years creating what would become his magnum opus.(这位艺术家花了多年时间创作他的杰作。)
- The film director's magnum opus won numerous awards.(这位电影导演的巨著获得了许多奖项。)
- Her final symphony is often regarded as her magnum opus.(她的最后一首交响乐常被认为是她的巨著。)
10. 例句
- His magnum opus, a 1000-page novel, took him ten years to complete.(他的巨著,一部1000页的小说,花了他十年时间完成。)
- The artist's magnum opus was displayed in the museum for all to see.(这位艺术家的杰作在博物馆中展出供大家观赏。)
- Many consider Picasso's "Guernica" to be his magnum opus.(许多人认为毕加索的《格尔尼卡》是他的杰作。)
- The composer's magnum opus was performed by a renowned orchestra.(这位作曲家的巨著由一支著名乐团演奏。)
- After years of research, the scientist published his magnum opus on quantum physics.(经过多年的研究,这位科学家发表了他的量子物理学巨著。)
- Her magnum opus in the field of psychology revolutionized the way we understand human behavior.(她在心理学领域的巨著彻底改变了我们对人类行为的理解方式。)
- The director's magnum opus was a visually stunning film that captivated audiences worldwide.(这位导演的巨著是一部视觉效果惊人、吸引了全球观众的电影。)
- The chef's magnum opus, a 12-course tasting menu, showcased his culinary skills.(这位厨师的巨著是一份12道菜的品尝菜单,展示了他的烹饪技巧。)
- Her magnum opus, a series of paintings exploring themes of identity, was exhibited in galleries around the world.(她的巨著是一系列探索身份主题的绘画作品,在世界各地的画廊展出。)
- The playwright's magnum opus received critical acclaim and was praised for its thought-provoking storyline.(这位剧作家的巨著受到了批评家的赞誉,因其发人深省的故事情节而受到赞扬。)