1. 程序的
1. 程序;手续
2. 步骤;常规
procedure 和 process 都可指“程序、过程”。procedure 侧重指按照既定的方法或规则所进行的一系列行动,强调按照一定的步骤和程序完成任务;process 侧重指连续或渐进的行动或变化,强调过程中的推移、发展和变化。
procedure manual: 程序手册
standard procedure: 标准程序
administrative procedure: 行政程序
operating procedure: 操作程序
method, policy, practice, routine, protocol
disorder, chaos, confusion
procedures (noun)
1. A procedure is a way of doing something, especially the usual or correct way.
2. A procedure is a set of actions which must be followed in a particular order and which produce a particular result.
procedures (noun)
1. An established or official way of doing something.
2. A series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner.
1. The procedure for applying for a visa is straightforward.
2. We need to follow the correct procedure in order to complete the task.
3. The procedure for starting the machine is clearly explained in the manual.
- The company has strict safety procedures in place to prevent accidents. 公司已经建立了严格的安全程序,以防止事故发生。
- Please follow the proper procedures when handling hazardous materials. 处理危险材料时,请遵循正确的程序。
- The procedure for obtaining a driver's license varies from country to country. 不同国家获得驾照的程序有所不同。
- Before surgery, patients must undergo a series of procedures to ensure their safety. 在手术之前,病人必须进行一系列的检查以确保安全。
- The procedures for filing a complaint are clearly outlined on our website. 提交投诉的程序在我们的网站上有明确的说明。
- We have implemented new procedures to streamline the production process. 我们已经实施了新的程序,以简化生产过程。
- The company has a procedure in place to handle customer complaints efficiently. 公司已经制定了一套程序,以高效处理客户投诉。
- The procedure for booking a hotel room is quick and simple. 预订酒店房间的程序快捷简单。
- Employees must follow the correct procedures when handling sensitive customer information. 员工在处理敏感客户信息时必须遵循正确的程序。
- The school has a strict procedure for handling disciplinary issues. 学校对处理纪律问题有严格的程序。
- The police followed standard procedures during the investigation. 警方在调查过程中遵循标准程序。
- Before boarding the flight, passengers must go through security procedures. 登机前,乘客必须经过安全检查。
- The procedure for obtaining a visa can be time-consuming. 获得签证的程序可能耗时较长。
- Doctors followed the correct procedure when performing the surgery. 医生在进行手术时遵循了正确的程序。
- The company has a procedure in place for handling customer complaints. 公司已经制定了处理客户投诉的程序。
- The procedure for resetting the password is straightforward. 重置密码的程序很简单。
- Please familiarize yourself with the procedure before starting the experiment. 在开始实验之前,请熟悉一下实验过程。
- Employees must follow the established procedures for requesting time off. 员工在请假时必须遵循已建立的程序。
- The procedure for submitting an application is clearly explained on the website. 提交申请的程序在网站上有明确的说明。
- The school has implemented new procedures to improve student safety. 学校已经实施了新的程序,以提高学生的安全性。