1. 呆板的,书呆子似的
2. 过分关注学术或科技方面的
3. 不合时宜的,不时髦的
nerd(单数)/ nerds(复数)
- nerd culture:呆板文化
- nerd glasses:呆板眼镜
- nerdiness:呆板的特质
geeky, dorky, bookish
cool, trendy, fashionable
nerdy (adjective)
- Someone who is nerdy is extremely interested in academic subjects and knows a lot of facts. (呆板的)
- If you describe someone as nerdy, you mean that they are unfashionable or boring, especially because they are interested in academic subjects. (不合时宜的)
nerdy (adjective)
- Unfashionable and socially inept or boringly studious. (呆板的)
1. He was always seen as the nerdy kid who spent all his time in the library.
2. She wore thick glasses and had a nerdy appearance.
3. The party was full of cool and trendy people, making him feel even more nerdy.
- He's a bit nerdy, always talking about computers and programming. (他有点呆板,总是谈论电脑和编程。)
- She has a nerdy sense of humor and loves making puns. (她幽默感呆板,喜欢开双关语。)
- I used to be nerdy in high school, but now I'm more confident in myself. (我高中时候很呆板,但现在我对自己更有自信了。)
- My friends and I are nerds when it comes to video games. (说到电子游戏,我和我的朋友都是呆板之人。)
- She felt nerdy wearing her glasses, but they helped her see better. (戴上眼镜她觉得自己呆板,但是眼镜帮助她看清楚了。)
- He's not your typical jock; he's more of a nerdy athlete. (他不是典型的运动员,更像是个呆板的运动员。)
- She joined the nerdy club at school to meet people with similar interests. (她加入了学校的呆板俱乐部以结识兴趣相投的人。)
- Being nerdy doesn't mean you can't be fashionable. (呆板并不意味着你不能时尚。)
- He's such a nerd; he spends all his free time reading books. (他真是个书呆子,所有的闲暇时间都用来读书。)
- Don't worry about being nerdy, embrace your interests and be proud of who you are. (不要担心呆板,拥抱你的兴趣,为自己感到骄傲。)
- She used to be nerdy in school, but now she's a successful entrepreneur. (她在学校时很呆板,但现在是一个成功的企业家。)
- I'm a nerd when it comes to Star Wars; I know every detail about the movies. (说到星球大战,我就是个呆板,对电影的每一个细节都了如指掌。)
- He may seem nerdy, but he's actually really funny once you get to know him. (他看起来很呆板,但一旦你认识他,他其实很有趣。)
- She's a bit nerdy, always correcting people's grammar mistakes. (她有点呆板,总是纠正别人的语法错误。)
- Being nerdy is cool; it means you're passionate about something. (呆板是很酷的,意味着你对某事充满热情。)
- He's a nerdy professor who knows everything about ancient civilizations. (他是个呆板的教授,对古代文明了如指掌。)
- The nerdy guy from school became a famous scientist. (那个学校中的呆板男孩成为了一位著名的科学家。)
- She's a bit nerdy when it comes to fashion, always following the latest trends. (说到时尚,她有点呆板,总是追随最新潮流。)
- He's not interested in sports; he's more into nerdy hobbies like stamp collecting. (他对运动不感兴趣,更喜欢呆板的爱好,比如集邮。)
- Don't judge someone based on their nerdy appearance; they might surprise you. (不要以呆板的外表来评判一个人,他们可能会让你惊讶。)