中英词典 - "CUSTOMER"
1. "customer" 和 "client" 都可以指“顾客”或“客户”,但在某些行业中有不同的使用习惯。例如,在金融或法律领域,"client" 更常用于表示长期关系或合作伙伴关系,而 "customer" 则更常用于表示短期或一次性交易。
2. "customer" 和 "consumer" 都可以指“消费者”,但 "customer" 更强调购买商品或服务的行为,而 "consumer" 更侧重于消费者在使用产品或服务方面的角色。
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)定义:
customer (noun)
A customer is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
customer (noun)
A customer is someone who has a particular service or treatment done, especially in a hotel or a restaurant.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)定义:
customer (noun)
A person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or business.
customer (noun)
A person who buys goods or services from a particular store or business.
1. I am a frequent customer at this store. (我经常光顾这家商店。)
2. The company aims to provide excellent customer service. (该公司致力于提供卓越的客户服务。)
3. We need to attract more customers to our online platform. (我们需要吸引更多顾客使用我们的在线平台。)
1. The shopkeeper greeted each customer with a smile. (店主对每个顾客都微笑致意。)
2. The hotel provided personalized services to its customers. (该酒店为客户提供个性化服务。)
3. The company values customer feedback and makes improvements accordingly. (该公司重视客户反馈并进行相应的改进。)
4. The store offers discounts to its loyal customer base. (该商店为忠实的顾客群体提供折扣。)
5. We need to understand our customers' needs in order to provide better products and services. (我们需要了解顾客的需求,以提供更好的产品和服务。)
6. The company launched a new marketing campaign to attract potential customers. (该公司推出了一项吸引潜在顾客的新营销活动。)
7. The customer complained about the poor quality of the product. (顾客抱怨产品质量不佳。)
8. The restaurant is known for its exceptional customer service. (这家餐厅以其卓越的客户服务而闻名。)
9. The company strives to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction. (该公司致力于保持高水平的顾客满意度。)
10. The store hired additional staff to meet the growing demands of its customer base. (该商店雇佣了额外的员工来满足不断增长的顾客群的需求。)
11. The company offers a rewards program to encourage customer loyalty. (该公司提供奖励计划以鼓励顾客忠诚度。)
12. The customer left a positive review for the product on the website. (顾客在网站上为该产品留下了积极的评价。)
13. The store provides a hassle-free shopping experience for its customers. (该商店为顾客提供无压力的购物体验。)
14. The company offers a 30-day return policy to ensure customer satisfaction. (该公司提供30天退货政策以确保顾客满意度。)
15. The customer made a purchase and received a receipt for their transaction. (顾客购买了商品,并收到了交易的收据。)
16. The store offers personalized recommendations based on each customer's preferences. (该商店根据每个顾客的偏好提供个性化的推荐。)
17. The company values its customers and strives to provide excellent products and services. (该公司珍视顾客,并努力提供优质的产品和服务。)
18. The customers were impressed by the efficiency of the service. (顾客们对服务的效率感到印象深刻。)
19. The store offers a loyalty program to reward its repeat customers. (该商店提供忠诚度计划以奖励回头客。)
20. The company conducted a customer satisfaction survey to gather feedback. (该公司进行了一项顾客满意度调查以收集反馈。)