golden rule (名词): 黄金法则
golden rule (形容词): 黄金法则的
1. 一种基本的道德准则,即"不要对别人做你不希望别人对你做的事情"。
2. 对待别人的原则或指导原则。
3. 伦理学中的一项准则,指在行为中尽量追求最大的好处。
golden rule和golden law的区别在于,golden rule侧重于道德准则,而golden law侧重于法律准则。
1. golden principle: 黄金原则
2. golden maxim: 黄金格言
3. moral principle: 道德原则
4. ethical guideline: 伦理指导原则
1. maxim: 格言
2. principle: 原则
3. guideline: 指导原则
1. unethical: 不道德的
2. immoral: 不道德的
3. wrong: 错误的
golden rule (名词)
A golden rule or a golden rule of behaviour is a rule which people should follow in order to live happy lives or to behave in a responsible way. (道德)黄金法则
golden rule (名词)
A basic principle that should be followed to ensure success in general or in a particular activity. (成功的)黄金法则
1. The golden rule of parenting is to treat your children with love and respect.
2. In business, the golden rule is to treat customers how you would like to be treated.
3. Students are encouraged to follow the golden rule of studying regularly and staying organized.
4. The golden rule of investing is to diversify your portfolio to minimize risk.
- The golden rule is to treat others as you would like to be treated. (黄金法则是要以同样的方式对待他人,就像你希望别人对待你一样。)
- Respecting others is a golden rule that can lead to harmonious relationships. (尊重他人是一个可以带来和谐关系的黄金法则。)
- The golden rule of writing is to revise and edit your work before publishing. (写作的黄金法则是在发布之前修订和编辑你的作品。)
- Following the golden rule can create a positive work environment. (遵循黄金法则可以创造积极的工作环境。)
- The golden rule of dieting is to eat a balanced and nutritious meal. (节食的黄金法则是要吃均衡和营养的餐食。)
- As a teacher, I always remind my students to follow the golden rule of treating others kindly. (作为一名教师,我总是提醒我的学生遵循善待他人的黄金法则。)
- Trust is the golden rule in any successful relationship. (信任是任何成功关系的黄金法则。)
- The golden rule of time management is to prioritize tasks and avoid procrastination. (时间管理的黄金法则是优先处理任务,避免拖延。)
- Following the golden rule can help build strong friendships. (遵循黄金法则可以帮助建立牢固的友谊。)
- The golden rule of negotiation is to seek a win-win solution. (谈判的黄金法则是寻求双赢解决方案。)
- Being honest is the golden rule when it comes to building trust. (在建立信任时,诚实是黄金法则。)
- The golden rule of public speaking is to engage the audience and deliver a clear message. (公众演讲的黄金法则是吸引观众并传递清晰的信息。)
- In the world of fashion, the golden rule is to dress for success. (在时尚界,黄金法则就是穿着成功。)
- The golden rule of photography is to capture the perfect moment. (摄影的黄金法则是捕捉完美的瞬间。)
- Following the golden rule of customer service can lead to customer loyalty. (遵循客户服务的黄金法则可以带来客户忠诚度。)
- The golden rule of leadership is to lead by example. (领导的黄金法则是以身作则。)
- In investing, the golden rule is to buy low and sell high. (在投资中,黄金法则是低买高卖。)
- The golden rule of driving is to always obey traffic laws. (驾驶的黄金法则是始终遵守交通法规。)
- Kindness is the golden rule that can make the world a better place. (善良是能让世界变得更美好的黄金法则。)
- The golden rule of public speaking is to prepare and practice before giving a speech. (公开演讲的黄金法则是在演讲前进行准备和练习。)