1. worked (钻石)刻有花纹的
2. worked 经过加工的;装饰的
3. worked 像钻石一样刻有花纹的;修饰的
1. worked (织物、针织品等)花纹
2. worked (机器、设备等)工作情况
1. work vs worked
2. worked vs workable
1. overworked (形容词)过劳的
2. hardworking (形容词)勤奋的
3. teamwork (名词)团队合作
4. workshop (名词)研讨会;车间
worked: decorated, embellished, engraved
overworked: exhausted, fatigued, worn-out
hardworking: diligent, industrious, assiduous
teamwork: collaboration, cooperation, partnership
worked: plain, unadorned, unembellished
overworked: rested, refreshed, energized
hardworking: lazy, idle, slothful
teamwork: individualism, competition, isolation
worked (adj.)
1. If something is worked in a particular way, it is made or produced in that way.
2. If something is worked, it has been decorated or made in a particular way.
3. If something is worked with a particular substance or material, it is made of that substance or material.
4. If something is worked in a particular pattern, it has that pattern on its surface.
5. If someone has a worked face or a worked piece of clothing, they have a face or a piece of clothing that has a lot of lines or patterns on it.
worked (adj.)
1. Having been made or shaped in a particular way.
2. Having a particular decorative or ornamental design.
3. (of a mine) having been worked.
4. (of a substance or material) having been shaped or worked.
5. (of a face or a piece of clothing) having deep lines or patterns.
1. 形容词用法:
- She wore a beautiful worked necklace to the party. 她戴着一条精美的镶嵌项链去参加派对。
- The worked leather bag was crafted by hand. 这个手工制作的皮包装饰精美。
2. 过去分词用法:
- The sculptor worked tirelessly on the marble statue. 雕刻家对大理石雕像工作不辞劳苦。
- The miners have worked this mine for over a century. 矿工们已经开采这座矿井超过一个世纪。
- The jeweler created a stunning ring with worked diamonds. 珠宝商用镶嵌钻石制作了一枚令人惊叹的戒指。
- The worked wood had intricate carvings. 雕刻精细的木制品。
- The dress was made from worked silk. 这件连衣裙是用加工过的丝绸制成的。
- The pottery was worked in a traditional pattern. 这个陶器上有传统的图案。
- His worked face showed the signs of a life well lived. 他那张布满皱纹的脸上显示出他经历过的丰富人生。
- The worked leather jacket had intricate stitching. 这件加工过的皮夹克上有精细的缝线。
- She worked tirelessly to achieve her goals. 她不辞劳苦地努力实现自己的目标。
- The artist worked on the painting for months. 画家花了几个月的时间来完成这幅画。
- The mine has been worked for many years. 这座矿山已经开采了很多年。
- After being worked, the metal was shaped into a sculpture. 经过加工后,这种金属被塑造成了一座雕塑。
- Her worked hands showed the signs of a lifetime of hard labor. 她那双劳动过的手显示出了一生辛勤劳动的痕迹。
- The team's worked collaboration led to a successful project. 团队合作使得这个项目取得了成功。
- The dressmaker worked with intricate lace to create a beautiful gown. 裁缝用精致的花边制作出了一件漂亮的礼服。
- He was overworked and desperately needed a break. 他过劳了,急需休息。
- The hardworking student consistently achieved top grades. 这个勤奋的学生一直取得高分。
- Good teamwork is essential for a successful project. 良好的团队合作对于一个成功的项目至关重要。
- The conference featured a series of informative workshops. 会议上有一系列富有信息量的研讨会。