touch (noun)
- the sense by which the texture and other qualities of objects can be experienced when they come in contact with a part of the body, esp the fingers
- the quality of something as perceived through such contact; feel
- the act or an instance of something coming into contact with the body
- the act or an instance of tapping or striking an opponent in fencing
- the area outside the touchlines, esp the sides, as taken collectively in rugby, etc
touch (verb)
- to come or cause to come into contact
- to perceive (something) by feeling or examining with the fingers, hands, etc
- to come into or be in contact with
- to tap, strike, or brush lightly
touch (noun)
- an act of touching someone or something
- the faculty of perception through physical contact, especially with the fingers
- an act of lightly pressing or striking something in order to move or operate it
- a small amount of something
- a detail or feature
touch (verb)
- be or come into contact with
- bring one's hand or another part of one's body into contact with
- handle in order to interfere with, alter, or otherwise affect
- deal with or treat in a particular way
1. Can I touch your puppy? (verb)
2. The fabric is soft to the touch. (noun)
3. She has a touch of arrogance about her. (noun)
4. He touches on some interesting points in his speech. (verb)
- The baby's skin is so soft to the touch. (宝宝的皮肤摸上去很柔软。)
- The counselor has a good touch with troubled teens. (这位辅导员善于与问题青少年沟通。)
- Her words were touching and brought tears to my eyes. (她的话很感人,让我热泪盈眶。)
- Please avoid any physical contact with the patient until further notice. (在进一步通知之前,请避免与病人产生任何身体接触。)
- The artist added a final touch of red to the painting. (艺术家在画上加了最后一抹红色。)
- He gave the car a gentle tap to check if it was solid. (他轻轻地拍了一下汽车,检查它是否结实。)
- The kitten snuggled up against her leg, seeking a caress. (小猫依偎在她的腿旁,寻求抚摸。)
- His words had a touch of sarcasm that made everyone uncomfortable. (他的话带有一丝讽刺,让每个人都感到不舒服。)
- I just need a light touch of makeup for the party. (我只需要淡妆参加派对。)
- She touched the antique vase gently, admiring its beauty. (她轻轻触摸着古董花瓶,欣赏着它的美。)
- He accidentally touched the hot stove and burned his hand. (他不小心触碰了热炉子,烧伤了手。)
- The two cars came into contact at the intersection. (两辆车在十字路口碰撞了。)
- She brushed lightly against his arm as she walked by. (她走过时轻轻地碰了他的胳膊。)
- He touches on various topics in his new book. (他在新书中涉及了各种话题。)
- The detective carefully examined the crime scene for any clues. (侦探仔细检查了犯罪现场,寻找任何线索。)
- She has a light touch when it comes to handling delicate situations. (处理棘手情况时,她有一种轻盈的方式。)
- I avoid physical contact with strangers in crowded places. (在拥挤的地方,我避免与陌生人有身体接触。)
- He missed the ball and touched the opponent's hand instead. (他没打中球,反而碰到了对手的手。)
- She ignores his attempts to get in touch with her. (她无视他试图与她联系的尝试。)
- He touches the hearts of his audience with his passionate performances. (他的热情演出触动了观众的心灵。)
- Please make sure not to touch any of the exhibits in the museum. (请确保不要触摸博物馆中的任何展品。)