1. 较好的;更好的
1. This coffee is better than the one I had yesterday.(这杯咖啡比我昨天喝的那杯更好。)
2. The new model is a better version of the previous one.(新款是之前那个的改进版,更好一些。)
3. She is a better dancer than her sister.(她是比她姐姐舞跳得更好的。)
2. 更健康的;更适合的
词汇扩充:healthier、fitter、safer、suitable、appropriate、more advantageous
1. Eating fruits and vegetables is better for your health.(吃水果和蔬菜对你的健康更有好处。)
2. It's better to take the stairs instead of the elevator.(爬楼梯比坐电梯更健康。)
3. Wearing a helmet is better for your safety when riding a bike.(骑自行车时戴头盔对你的安全更有利。)
3. 较高的;更高的
1. The Empire State Building is better than most other buildings in terms of height.(以高度来说,帝国大厦比大部分其他建筑都高。)
2. She is better at basketball because of her taller height.(因为身高较高,她在篮球方面更擅长。)
3. The new skyscraper is better than the old one in terms of elevation.(新的摩天大楼在高度上比旧的要高。)
1. 较好的人(或物);更好的选择
1. I believe there must be a better out there for you.(我相信一定有更好的选择适合你。)
2. This new smartphone is a better compared to the previous model.(这款新智能手机相较于之前的型号要更好。)
3. The company is always looking for ways to make their products better.(公司一直在寻求使他们的产品更好的方法。)
2. 达到更好状态的人(或物)
1. She is determined to become a better version of herself.(她决心要变成更好的自己。)
2. The new technology brings better to the industry.(新技术给这个行业带来了更好的。)
3. The team's performance has shown a significant better from last season.(球队的表现比上赛季有了明显的提升。)
1. better是good的比较级形式,表示更好、更高级的意思;
2. good是一个基本形容词,表示好的、优良的意思。
1. Her performance in the second act was better than the first.(她在第二幕的表现比第一幕更好。)
2. The painting is good, but I think the artist's later works are even better.(这幅画很好,但我认为画家后来的作品更好。)
1. betterment:改进,改善
2. betterment tax:土地增值税
3. better off:处境较好,经济条件较好
4. better half:夫(妻);伴侣
5. better late than never:迟做总比不做好
6. better luck next time:下次好运
7. better safe than sorry:宁愿安全也不要后悔
8. better to do something than nothing:不做总比什么都不做要好
1. superior:优秀的,卓越的
2. improved:改进的,改良的
3. excellent:优秀的,卓越的
4. superior to:优于
5. advanced:先进的,高级的
1. The superior quality of their products makes them stand out in the market.(他们产品的优秀质量使他们在市场上脱颖而出。)
2. The new and improved version of the software has more features.(软件的新版本改进了很多,功能更加强大。)
3. Her performance in the competition was excellent.(她在比赛中的表现非常出色。)
4. This new smartphone is superior to its competitors in terms of camera quality.(以相机质量来说,这款新智能手机优于竞争对手。)
1. worse:更差的,恶化的
2. inferior:劣质的,低劣的
3. poorer:更贫穷的,更差的
4. deteriorate:恶化,变坏
1. The weather got worse as the day went on.(天气越来越糟糕。)
2. The quality of the counterfeit product is inferior to the original.(假冒商品的质量比原来的差。)
3. His financial situation became poorer after losing his job.(失去工作后,他的经济状况变得更差。)
4. If you don't take care of your car, it will deteriorate quickly.(如果你不好好照顾你的车,它会很快变坏。)
1. If you say that one thing is better than another, you mean that it is more satisfactory, more suitable, or of higher quality than the other thing.
1. I think it's better to talk about these things face to face.(我认为最好面对面谈这些事情。)
1. People sometimes refer to their husband, wife, or partner as their better half.
1. I was amazed at how quickly he met his better half and settled down.(他很快就找到了他的伴侣并安定下来,我感到很惊讶。)
1. Good or satisfactory.
1. It's a lot better than it was.(现在要好得多了。)
1. A superior or more excellent person or thing.
1. A few things are better than a good play.(有几样东西比一场好戏更棒。)
1. better作为形容词时,可以用来修饰名词或代词,表示一种更好、更高级或更适合的状态。
1. This restaurant is better than the one we went to last night.(这家餐厅比我们昨晚去的那家更好。)
2. She is a better candidate for the job than him.(她比他更适合这份工作。)
2. better作为名词时,可以指“更好的人或物”或“达到更好状态的人或物”。
1. We should always strive for better.(我们应该一直追求更好。)
2. She is determined to become a better.(她决心要变得更好。)
- This cake tastes better than the one I made yesterday.(这个蛋糕比我昨天做的那个更好吃。)
- He wants to be a better person and contribute more to society.(他想成为一个更好的人,为社会做更多的贡献。)
- The weather is getting better, so we can go for a walk now.(天气越来越好,我们现在可以出去散步了。)
- She is better at playing the piano than her sister.(她在弹钢琴方面比她姐姐更擅长。)
- He performed better in the second round of the competition.(他在比赛的第二轮表现得更好。)
- Studying in a quiet environment is better for concentration.(在一个安静的环境中学习对于集中注意力更有帮助。)
- His new job offers better benefits and a higher salary.(他的新工作提供了更好的福利和更高的薪水。)
- I believe there is a better solution to this problem.(我相信有一个更好的解决办法来解决这个问题。)
- She always strives to do better in everything she does.(她总是努力在她所做的一切事情中做得更好。)
- The new model of the car is better than the previous one.(这款新车型比之前的那款更好。)
- He is better off now since he got a higher-paying job.(自从他找到了一份薪水更高的工作,他的生活变得更好了。)
- It's better to be safe than sorry, so wear your seatbelt.(宁愿安全也不要后悔,所以请系好安全带。)
- She is my better half and I couldn't imagine my life without her.(她是我的另一半,我无法想象没有她的生活。)
- We need to find a better way to communicate with each other.(我们需要找到一个更好的方式来彼此沟通。)
- He's been feeling better since he started taking the new medication.(自从他开始服用新药以来,他感觉好多了。)
- They decided to invest in better equipment to improve productivity.(他们决定投资购买更好的设备来提高生产力。)
- She always tries to do better in her studies and get good grades.(她总是努力在学习中取得更好的成绩。)
- If you want a better future, you need to work hard and never give up.(如果你想要一个更好的未来,你需要努力工作,永不放弃。)
- His health is better now that he's been exercising regularly.(自从他开始定期锻炼,他的健康状况变得更好了。)
- The new design is better than the previous one in terms of functionality.(以功能来说,新设计比之前的更好。)
- She is a better singer than most of the contestants on the show.(她是这个节目中大部分参赛选手中唱得更好的。)