1. 修补的;修复的 英 [ˈfɪksʌp] 美 [ˈfɪksʌp] 修复或修补的;经过修补而恢复正常的。 2. 整理的;打扮整齐的 英 [ˈfɪksʌp] 美 [ˈfɪksʌp] 整理得整洁或打扮得整齐的。名词
1. 修补;修复 英 [ˈfɪksʌp] 美 [ˈfɪksʌp] 修补或修复事物的过程或行为。 2. 整理;打扮 英 [ˈfɪksʌp] 美 [ˈfɪksʌp] 整理或打扮的行为或过程。词语辨析
fix up:修理好;修复;整理好。近义词
repair, mend, restore, refurbish反义词
damage, break柯林斯词典
fix-up (noun) A fix-up is a small job that you do to repair, improve, or decorate something. fix up (phrasal verb) If you fix up something, you repair, improve, or decorate it.牛津词典
fix-up (noun) An arrangement or agreement that has been planned or organized. fix up (phrasal verb) 1. To arrange for someone to have something; to provide something. 2. To repair or decorate something.用法
1. 修补的;修复的 - I had to do a fixup job on my car after the accident. (在事故后,我不得不对我的车进行修补。) - The plumber did a fixup repair on the leaking pipe. (水管工对漏水的管道进行了修复。) 2. 整理的;打扮整齐的 - She always looks so fixup in her tailored suits. (她总是穿着定制的西装,看起来很整齐。) - He spent hours fixup his workspace before starting the project. (他在开始项目之前花了几个小时整理工作区。) 3. 修补;修复 - The fixup of the old house took several months. (旧房子的修复工作花了好几个月。) - We need to do a fixup on the broken fence. (我们需要修补那个破了的篱笆。) 4. 整理;打扮 - She spent the entire morning fixup her appearance for the party. (她花了整个上午打扮自己参加晚会。) - He asked his friend to help him fixup his apartment before the guests arrived. (他请朋友帮助他在客人到来之前整理公寓。)例句
- I need to fix up my car before going on a road trip. (我需要在出发前修理我的车。)
- She fixed up the broken chair and made it usable again. (她修理好了坏掉的椅子,使其能够再次使用。)
- He fixed up his hair and put on a nice suit for the job interview. (他整理了一下头发,穿上了一套漂亮的西装去面试。)
- After the storm, the town had to fix up the damaged buildings. (风暴过后,镇上不得不修复那些受损的建筑物。)
- They decided to fix up the old house and sell it at a higher price. (他们决定修整那座旧房子,并以更高的价格出售。)
- She always looks so fixup in her fashionable outfits. (她总是穿着时尚的服装,看起来很整洁。)
- He spent the whole weekend fixup his garden for the upcoming party. (他整个周末都在为即将到来的聚会修整花园。)
- The fix-up of this antique table will take some time and effort. (这张古董桌子的修复工作需要一些时间和精力。)
- We need to do a fix-up on the broken window before it rains. (在下雨之前,我们需要修补那个破窗户。)
- She asked her friend to help fix up her hair for the wedding. (她请朋友帮忙给她的婚礼造型。)
- I'll fix up the meeting room for the important presentation tomorrow. (我会为明天的重要演讲整理好会议室。)
- The fix-up between the two companies resulted in a successful collaboration. (两家公司之间的安排导致了成功的合作。)
- They fixed up a deal to sell the old furniture to a collector. (他们达成了一项交易,将旧家具卖给了一位收藏家。)
- Please fix up a hotel reservation for our guests. (请为我们的客人预订一间酒店。)
- He fixed up a surprise birthday party for his sister. (他为姐姐举办了一个惊喜生日派对。)
- She's planning to fix up her apartment and make it more comfortable. (她计划整理公寓,使其更加舒适。)
- We need to fix up the garden before the barbecue party. (我们需要在烧烤派对前整理花园。)
- He fixed up his resume to make it more presentable to potential employers. (他修改了简历,使其更适合潜在雇主的阅读。)
- They fixed up the old playground and turned it into a beautiful park. (他们整修了那个旧操场,把它变成了一个美丽的公园。)
- She fixed up the broken vase and put fresh flowers in it. (她修理好了破碎的花瓶,并在里面插上了新鲜的花。)
- He fixed up the car by himself and saved a lot of money. (他自己修理了这辆车,省了很多钱。)