loyalist [adjective]
loyalist [noun]
1. 忠诚者;拥护者
2. (英国历史)保皇党人
3. (美国独立战争时期)支持英国的殖民地居民
loyalism [noun]
loyally [adverb]
- supporter
- adherent
- devotee
- partisan
- follower
- traitor
- rebel
loyalist (loyalists)
1. A loyalist is someone who is loyal to a particular person, organization, or set of beliefs or principles.
2. In Northern Ireland, a loyalist is someone who wants Northern Ireland to remain part of the United Kingdom.
loyalist (loyalists)
1. A person who remains loyal to the established ruler or government, especially in the face of a revolt.
2. A person who remains loyal to an organization, political party, or leader.
3. A supporter of the British Crown or empire.
1. Northern Ireland has a history of conflict between loyalists and nationalists.
2. She is a loyalist to the company and will defend its reputation at all costs.
3. The loyalists celebrated the monarch's birthday with great enthusiasm.
- The loyalist party won a majority in the election.(忠诚党在选举中获得了多数席位。)
- He is a staunch loyalist to the president.(他是总统的坚定拥护者。)
- The loyalist movement gained momentum after the leader's speech.(领导人讲话后,忠诚派运动获得了势头。)
- The loyalist soldiers fought bravely in defense of their country.(忠诚派士兵英勇地保卫着他们的国家。)
- She was seen as a loyalist within the party, always supporting the party's decisions.(她被视为党内的忠诚派,在始终支持党的决策。)
- The loyalist group organized a protest against the proposed changes.(忠诚派组织了一次抗议活动,反对提议的变动。)
- Many loyalists fled the country during the revolution.(许多保皇党人在革命期间逃离了该国。)
- She has been a loyalist customer of this brand for years.(多年来,她一直是该品牌的忠实顾客。)
- The loyalist faction within the party has been gaining influence.(党内的忠诚派力量一直在壮大。)
- The loyalist community organized a parade to celebrate their heritage.(忠诚派社群组织了一次游行,庆祝他们的传统。)
- The loyalist cause was supported by a significant portion of the population.(相当一部分人支持忠诚派的事业。)
- She is a loyalist to the traditional values of her culture.(她对自己文化的传统价值观保持着忠诚。)
- The loyalist faction split from the main party and formed their own group.(忠诚派从主要党派中分裂出来,组成了自己的团体。)
- During the civil war, loyalists fought against the rebel forces.(在内战期间,忠诚派与叛军作战。)
- He is a loyalist of the monarchy and supports the royal family.(他是君主制的忠诚拥护者,支持皇室。)
- The loyalist leader called for unity among supporters to achieve their goals.(忠诚派领导者呼吁支持者团结一致,实现他们的目标。)
- The loyalist members held a meeting to discuss their next steps.(忠诚派成员举行了一次会议,讨论他们的下一步行动。)
- The loyalist press criticized the government's handling of the situation.(忠诚派媒体批评政府对局势的处理方式。)
- The loyalist group was accused of human rights abuses.(忠诚派团体被指控滥用人权。)
- She has always been a loyalist to her friends, supporting them through thick and thin.(她一直是朋友们的忠实拥护者,无论是好是坏都支持他们。)