1. 不值钱的;劣质的 - (adj.) of poor quality or little value2. 低俗的;庸俗的 - (adj.) vulgar; lacking style or quality
3. 无聊的;无趣的 - (adj.) boring; uninteresting
1. 垃圾;废物 - (n.) waste material; rubbish2. 废纸;废品 - (n.) waste paper or discarded articles
3. 废话;无聊的东西 - (n.) worthless or trivial things
1. trashy vs. cheap - "trashy"强调劣质、低俗,而"cheap"则侧重于价格低廉。2. trashy vs. tacky - "trashy"指的是劣质、低俗,而"tacky"强调的是粗俗、不雅。
3. trashy vs. shoddy - "trashy"用于形容劣质、垃圾的物品,而"shoddy"用于形容质量差的物品。
1. trash - (n.) 废物;垃圾;(v.) 丢弃;扔掉2. junk - (n.) 垃圾;废物
3. rubbish - (n.) 垃圾;废物
- shoddy, inferior, poor, tacky, tasteless反义词
- high-quality, valuable, refined, classy柯林斯词典
- trashy (adj.): If you describe something as trashy, you think that it is of very poor quality. (INFORMAL)1. (书籍、电视节目等)无聊的;没内容的 - If you describe something such as a book or a television program as trashy, you mean that it is entertaining but has little value or artistic quality.
2. (人)庸俗的;低级的 - If you describe a person or their behavior as trashy, you mean that they are worthless or not respectable.
- trashy (adj.): (of goods) of poor quality; worthless or cheap.1. (of a person) of low social status or little worth.
2. (of a book, film, etc.) sensational, sentimental, or vulgar in style or content.
- You shouldn't waste your money on such trashy clothes. (你不应该在这种劣质的衣服上浪费钱。) - The movie was a trashy attempt at horror. (这部电影是一次庸俗的恐怖尝试。) - She couldn't stand the trashy gossip magazines. (她无法忍受低俗的八卦杂志。)例句
- His taste in music is trashy. (他的音乐品味很低俗。)
- I can't believe you enjoy reading such trashy novels. (我无法相信你喜欢读这种低俗的小说。)
- The party was filled with trashy people. (派对上都是一些庸俗的人。)
- She bought a trashy souvenir from the tourist shop. (她从旅游店买了一个劣质的纪念品。)
- The trashy reality TV show was a hit among teenagers. (这个低俗的真人秀节目在青少年中很受欢迎。)
- Don't waste your time on that trashy magazine. (不要把时间浪费在那种无聊的杂志上。)
- His apartment was filled with trashy furniture. (他的公寓里摆满了劣质的家具。)
- The trashy romance novel was a guilty pleasure for her. (那本庸俗的言情小说是她的一种自我放纵。)
- She felt embarrassed wearing such trashy clothes to the party. (她觉得穿着这种劣质的衣服去参加派对很尴尬。)
- The movie received negative reviews for its trashy plot and poor acting. (这部电影因故事情节低俗和演技差而受到负面评论。)
- He dismissed the article as a trashy piece of journalism. (他对这篇文章不屑一顾,认为是一篇垃圾新闻。)
- She regretted buying that trashy accessory. (她后悔买了那个劣质的配饰品。)
- The book was criticized for its trashy and sensationalistic content. (这本书因其低俗和耸人听闻的内容而受到批评。)
- He enjoyed watching trashy reality TV shows after a long day at work. (工作一天后,他喜欢看一些低俗的真人秀节目放松。)
- The trashy gossip magazines were filled with rumors and scandalous stories. (那些低俗的八卦杂志上充满了谣言和丑闻故事。)
- She found the trashy romance novel entertaining but lacking depth. (她觉得那本庸俗的言情小说很有趣,但缺乏深度。)
- He had a collection of trashy DVDs that he enjoyed watching on lazy weekends. (他有一堆低俗的DVD,喜欢在懒散的周末观看。)
- The trashy reality show attracted a lot of viewers with its outrageous contestants. (那个低俗的真人秀节目因其出格的参赛者吸引了很多观众。)
- She was disappointed by the trashy ending of the movie. (电影的低俗结局让她感到失望。)
- He couldn't understand why people enjoyed listening to such trashy music. (他无法理解为什么人们喜欢听这种低俗的音乐。)
- She threw away the trashy magazine after flipping through a few pages. (她翻了几页后就把那本无聊的杂志扔掉了。)