1. 预防的;防止的(指防止某事发生或避免某事的发展)。
1. 预防措施(指为防止某事发生或避免某事的发展而采取的行动)。
1. prevent:防止,预防
2. precautionary:预防的,预防性的
preventative (adj.) 预防的;防止的
preventative (n.) 预防措施
preventative (adj.) 预防的;防止的
preventative (n.) 预防措施
1. Taking preventative measures is crucial to avoid the spread of diseases. (采取预防措施对于避免疾病传播至关重要。)
2. Regular exercise can be preventative against heart disease. (定期锻炼可以预防心脏病。)
3. The government has implemented preventative measures to reduce crime rates. (政府已经采取了预防措施来降低犯罪率。)
4. She takes preventative action by wearing sunscreen every day. (她每天都会涂防晒霜以采取预防措施。)
5. The company is investing in preventative maintenance to ensure the longevity of its equipment. (公司正在投资预防性维护,以确保设备的寿命。)
6. The doctor recommended a preventative vaccine for travelers going to tropical regions. (医生建议旅行去热带地区的人接种预防性疫苗。)
7. The school organized a workshop on preventative measures for online safety. (学校组织了一次关于网络安全预防措施的研讨会。)
8. The use of seat belts is a preventative measure to reduce the risk of injury in car accidents. (使用安全带是降低车祸中受伤风险的一项预防措施。)
9. The dentist emphasized the importance of preventative dental care, such as regular brushing and flossing. (牙医强调了定期刷牙和使用牙线等预防性口腔护理的重要性。)
10. The company provides employees with preventative healthcare benefits, including regular check-ups and screenings. (公司为员工提供预防保健福利,包括定期体检和筛查。)
11. The government is implementing preventative measures to control the spread of the virus. (政府正在采取预防措施来控制病毒的传播。)
12. A healthy diet and exercise are important preventative measures for maintaining good health. (健康的饮食和锻炼是保持良好健康的重要预防措施。)
13. The company has a preventative maintenance program in place to ensure the reliability of its machinery. (公司有一个预防性维护计划,以确保其机械设备的可靠性。)
14. Vaccination is a preventative measure against certain infectious diseases. (接种疫苗是预防某些传染病的一种措施。)
15. The school organized a workshop on fire safety as a preventative measure. (学校组织了一次关于火灾安全的研讨会作为一种预防措施。)
16. The doctor prescribed a preventative medication to reduce the risk of future health issues. (医生开了一种预防药物,以降低未来健康问题的风险。)
17. The company has implemented preventative measures to protect its computer systems from cyber attacks. (公司已经采取了预防措施,保护其计算机系统免受网络攻击。)
18. Regular check-ups and screenings are important preventative healthcare practices. (定期体检和筛查是重要的预防保健实践。)
19. The government is investing in preventative programs to address the root causes of poverty. (政府正在投资预防性计划,解决贫困的根本原因。)
20. The use of helmets and protective gear is a preventative measure for reducing head injuries in sports. (佩戴头盔和防护装备是减少运动中头部受伤的一种预防措施。)