1. 愚蠢的;疯狂的
2. 弯曲的;环绕的
1. 愚蠢的人;疯子
2. 弯曲的线条;环绕形状
crazy, foolish, absurd
sensible, rational
loopy (adj.)
If you describe someone as loopy, you mean that they behave in a strange way that you find difficult to understand.
例句:He's a bit loopy, isn't he?(他有点疯疯癫癫的,不是吗?)
loopy (adj.)
(informal) Strange or silly.
例句:She's a bit loopy, but I like her.(她有点怪怪的,但我喜欢她。)
1. 形容词用法:He's acting really loopy lately, I don't know what's gotten into him.
2. 名词用法:Don't listen to that loopy, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
- His loopy behavior often makes people question his sanity.(他愚蠢的行为经常让人们质疑他的理智。)
- I couldn't believe the loopy things she was saying.(我简直不敢相信她说的那些荒谬的话。)
- The roller coaster had lots of loopy twists and turns.(过山车有许多弯弯曲曲的转弯。)
- She tied her hair up in a loopy bun.(她把头发盘成一个环绕的丸子头。)
- He's known as the office loopy because of his eccentric behavior.(由于他古怪的行为,他被称为办公室里的疯子。)
- The loopy necklace perfectly complemented her bohemian style.(这条环绕的项链完美地衬托了她的波西米亚风格。)
- She wrote her name in loopy cursive handwriting.(她用圆圆的草书字体写下了她的名字。)
- Don't be such a loopy, you need to think before you speak.(别那么愚蠢,你说话之前要先想想。)
- He's always been a bit loopy, but we love him anyway.(他一直有点疯疯癫癫的,但我们还是爱他。)
- The loopy plot of the movie left the audience confused.(电影的离奇剧情让观众感到困惑。)
- Her loopy behavior sometimes gets her into trouble.(她的愚蠢行为有时会给她惹上麻烦。)
- He doodled loopy patterns on the margins of his notebook.(他在笔记本边缘涂鸦了一些环绕的图案。)
- She tied her shoelaces in loopy bows.(她把鞋带打成一个环绕的蝴蝶结。)
- The comedian's loopy sense of humor had the audience in stitches.(喜剧演员古怪的幽默感令观众捧腹大笑。)
- He's always coming up with loopy ideas that never work.(他总是提出一些行不通的荒谬主意。)
- She drew loopy circles on the paper while thinking.(她一边思考一边在纸上画环绕的圆圈。)
- The loopy roller coaster made her feel nauseous.(这个环绕的过山车让她感到恶心。)
- The loopy design of the dress caught everyone's attention.(这件连衣裙的环绕设计引起了所有人的注意。)
- He's acting a bit loopy today, I wonder if he's okay.(他今天有点怪怪的,我不知道他怎么了。)
- The loopy road led us through a beautiful countryside.(这条弯弯曲曲的路把我们带过一片美丽的乡村。)
- She has a loopy sense of fashion and always wears unique outfits.(她有一种古怪的时尚感,总是穿着独特的服装。)