- Definition: a track or path left by a boat or ship moving through the water
- Translation: 船迹,尾迹
1. The wake of the ship stretched out behind it for miles. (船的尾迹延伸了几英里。)
2. The boat left a narrow wake as it sped through the water. (小船在水上飞速行驶,留下一条狭窄的船迹。)
- Definition: a ceremony to honor and remember someone who has died
- Translation: 守灵;守夜仪式
1. The family held a wake to remember their beloved grandfather. (这个家庭举办了一个守夜仪式来追忆他们心爱的祖父。)
2. The wake for the famous actor was attended by many celebrities. (许多名人参加了这位著名演员的守灵仪式。)
- Definition: being awake and not asleep
- Translation: 醒着的
1. I couldn't sleep, so I was awake all night. (我无法入睡,所以整晚都醒着。)
2. The baby is finally awake after a long nap. (宝宝经过一次长时间的小睡,终于醒来了。)
- Definition: a gathering of people after a funeral
- Translation: 守丧酒会;悼念会
1. The family invited friends and relatives to a wake at their home. (这个家庭邀请亲朋好友在家里参加一个守丧酒会。)
2. The wake was a somber event where people shared memories of the deceased. (这个悼念会是一个庄重的场合,人们在会上分享逝者的回忆。)
- Definition: to cause someone to become awake after sleeping
- Translation: 唤醒,叫醒
1. She woke me up with a cup of coffee. (她用一杯咖啡把我叫醒了。)
2. The alarm clock will wake you at 7 o'clock. (闹钟会在7点钟叫醒你。)
Phrasal Verb
- Definition: to become aware or conscious of something
- Translation: 察觉,意识到
1. I suddenly woke to the sound of thunder. (我突然因为雷声而察觉到。)
2. It took him a while to wake to the reality of the situation. (他花了一段时间才意识到事态的现实。)
Phrasal Verb
- Definition: to stop sleeping and get out of bed
- Translation: 起床
1. I usually wake up early in the morning. (我通常早上醒来。)
2. Don't forget to set your alarm so you can wake up on time. (别忘了设置闹钟,这样你就能准时起床了。)
1. Wake vs. Trail
Wake emphasizes the path or track left behind by a moving boat or ship, while trail refers to a path or track left by a person or animal.
1. Wakeful (adjective): unable to sleep
Translation: 难以入睡的
Example sentence: The baby was wakeful all night and wouldn't fall asleep. (宝宝整晚都难以入睡,一直不肯睡着。)
2. Wakefulness (noun): the state of being awake
Translation: 醒着的状态
Example sentence: His wakefulness was due to the excitement of the upcoming event. (他之所以不眠是因为即将到来的事件让他兴奋不已。)
1. Stir (verb): to awaken, to rouse from sleep
Translation: 唤醒,使醒来
Example sentence: The noise outside stirred him from his deep slumber. (外面的噪音把他从沉睡中唤醒。)
2. Arouse (verb): to awaken, to excite or stimulate
Translation: 唤醒,激发
Example sentence: The loud applause aroused the performer's confidence. (热烈的掌声激发了表演者的信心。)
1. Sleep (noun/verb): a natural state of rest for the body and mind
Translation: 睡眠,睡觉
Example sentence: After a long day, all I wanted was a good night's sleep. (经过漫长的一天,我只想好好睡上一觉。)
2. Slumber (noun/verb): a light sleep, to sleep lightly
Translation: 睡眠,浅睡
Example sentence: She slipped into slumber as soon as her head hit the pillow. (她一头扎进枕头,立刻陷入了浅睡。)
Wake (noun)
- a track, course, or condition left behind a person, company, or society
- a watch or vigil held over the body of a dead person during the night before burial
- the waves or track left by a vessel or aircraft
Wake (verb)
- to emerge or cause to emerge from sleep
- to become or cause to become alert, aware, or active
- to arouse (feelings, etc.) or give rise to (a suspicion, etc.)
Wake (noun)
- a watch or vigil held beside the body of someone who has died, sometimes accompanied by ritual observances including eating and drinking, in the presence of the remains
- a track or path left behind a ship or aircraft in motion
Wake (verb)
- to emerge or cause to emerge from a state of sleep
- to cause (something) to stir or come to life
- to make (someone) aware of something
1. The word "wake" can be used as both a noun and a verb.
2. As a noun, "wake" refers to a track left by a boat, a ceremony to honor the dead, or a gathering of mourners after a funeral.
3. As a verb, "wake" means to cause someone to become awake after sleeping or to become aware of something.
4. "Wake" is often used in the context of water or death-related situations.
Example Sentences
1. The wake of the ship stretched out behind it for miles.
2. The boat left a narrow wake as it sped through the water.
3. The family held a wake to remember their beloved grandfather.
4. The wake for the famous actor was attended by many celebrities.
5. I couldn't sleep, so I was awake all night.
6. The baby is finally awake after a long nap.
7. The family invited friends and relatives to a wake at their home.
8. The wake was a somber event where people shared memories of the deceased.
9. She woke me up with a cup of coffee.
10. The alarm clock will wake you at 7 o'clock.
11. I suddenly woke to the sound of thunder.
12. It took him a while to wake to the reality of the situation.
13. I usually wake up early in the morning.
14. Don't forget to set your alarm so you can wake up on time.