1. collapsible [kəˈlæpsəbəl]:可折叠的,可崩溃的
2. collapsed [kəˈlæpst]:已坍塌的,已崩溃的
1. collapse [kəˈlæps]:崩溃,倒塌
2. collapsion [kəˈlæpʃən]:崩溃,倒塌
1. economic collapse:经济崩溃
2. mental collapse:精神崩溃
3. structural collapse:结构坍塌
4. system collapse:系统崩溃
5. market collapse:市场崩盘
1. crumble [ˈkrʌmbl]:破碎,崩溃
2. give way:倒塌,崩溃
3. disintegrate [dɪsˈɪntɪɡreɪt]:瓦解,崩溃
4. cave in:倒塌,坍塌
1. stabilize [ˈsteɪbəlaɪz]:稳定,使稳定
2. strengthen [ˈstrɛŋθən]:加强,巩固
1. If a building, bridge, or other structure collapses, it falls down very suddenly.
2. If a person collapses, they fall down because they are very weak or tired.
3. If a system, relationship, or organization collapses, it fails or comes to an end completely.
1. (of a structure) fall down or in; give way.
2. fall down or faint as a result of physical weakness.
3. fail suddenly and completely.
1. The building collapsed after the earthquake. (这栋建筑在地震后坍塌了。)
2. He collapsed from exhaustion after running the marathon. (他在跑完马拉松后因疲惫而倒地。)
3. The company collapsed due to financial mismanagement. (这家公司因为财务管理不善而彻底崩溃。)
- The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. (屋顶在雪的重压下坍塌。)
- The patient collapsed from a heart attack. (病人因心脏病发作晕倒。)
- The stock market collapsed during the recession. (股市在经济衰退期间崩盘。)
- She collapsed into a chair after a long day at work. (她工作一整天后倒在椅子上。)
- The bridge collapsed due to poor construction. (这座桥因建造不当而坍塌。)
- The company collapsed under the weight of its debt. (公司在债务的压力下崩溃了。)
- He collapsed on the floor after being hit by a punch. (他被一拳打中后倒在地板上。)
- The negotiations collapsed when neither side could reach an agreement. (双方都无法达成协议,谈判破裂了。)
- The patient's health collapsed after the surgery. (患者手术后健康状况恶化。)
- Investors lost millions when the company's stock collapsed. (当公司股票崩盘时,投资者损失了数百万。)
- The building collapsed like a house of cards. (建筑物像纸牌屋一样倒塌。)
- She collapsed into tears upon hearing the tragic news. (她听到悲剧的消息后崩溃地哭了起来。)
- The team's defense collapsed in the final minutes of the game. (球队在比赛最后几分钟防守崩溃了。)
- The government collapsed under the pressure of public protests. (政府在公众抗议的压力下垮台了。)
- His health collapsed after years of neglect. (多年的忽视导致他的健康状况崩溃。)
- The company's stock price collapsed overnight. (公司的股价在一夜之间暴跌。)
- The patient collapsed from exhaustion and dehydration. (病人因疲劳和脱水而晕倒。)
- The apartment building collapsed after the gas explosion. (公寓楼在煤气爆炸后倒塌了。)
- The team's hopes of winning the championship collapsed with their defeat. (球队在失败后失去了夺冠的希望。)
- The organization collapsed due to internal conflicts. (这个组织因内部冲突而崩溃了。)