1. 国家
英文解释:a country or region's name.
2. 工资
英文解释:money paid for work, usually calculated on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis.
1. 支付
英文解释:to give money in exchange for goods or services.
2. 付出代价
英文解释:to give effort, time, or money for something.
1. 有报酬的
英文解释:receiving payment for work or a position.
2. 有代价的
英文解释:requiring effort, time, or money.
pays (名词):(非正式) 金钱
pays (动词):第三人称单数现在时态,pay 的现在分词形式。
pays (动词):第三人称单数现在时态,pay 的现在分词形式。
1. I will pay you for your help. (我会支付你的帮助费。)
2. He pays his employees a fair wage. (他向员工支付公平的工资。)
3. It's time to pay the bill. (是时候付账了。)
4. She pays a high price for her success. (她为成功付出了很大的代价。)
5. The job doesn't offer pay. (这份工作没有报酬。)
6. The pays are increasing this year. (今年的工资会增加。)
7. The company pays its suppliers promptly. (公司及时支付供应商款项。)
8. He pays attention to every detail. (他对每个细节都很注意。)
9. The hard work will pay off in the end. (辛勤的工作最终会有回报。)
10. They pays for their mistakes. (他们为自己的错误付出代价。)
11. The payable amount is due by the end of the month. (应付金额必须在月底前支付。)
12. The payer must sign the check. (付款人必须签署支票。)
1. The company offers competitive pay and benefits to its employees. (公司为员工提供具有竞争力的工资和福利。)
2. I will pay you back as soon as I get my next paycheck. (我下次拿到薪水后会立即偿还你。)
3. She pays a high price for her extravagant lifestyle. (她为奢侈的生活方式付出了很大的代价。)
4. It's important to pay attention to your surroundings when walking in a busy city. (在繁忙的城市步行时,注意周围的环境很重要。)
5. The company pays its suppliers on time to maintain good relationships. (公司及时支付供应商款项以保持良好的关系。)
6. The payable amount should be settled within 30 days. (应付金额应在30天内结清。)
7. He paid a high price for his impulsive decision. (他对自己的冲动决定付出了很大的代价。)
8. The payer must provide their bank account details for the transaction. (付款人必须提供他们的银行账户细节进行交易。)
9. The company is known for its fair pay and benefits package. (该公司以公平的工资和福利套餐而闻名。)
10. The project will pay off in the long run, despite the initial challenges. (尽管最初存在挑战,但这个项目从长远来看会有回报。)
11. They paid a heavy price for their dishonesty. (他们因为不诚实而付出了沉重的代价。)
12. The payee should endorse the check before depositing it. (收款人在存款前应在支票上签字背书。)
13. The actor demanded a higher pay for his role in the movie. (这位演员要求在电影中扮演更高的报酬。)
14. The company is unable to pay its debts and may file for bankruptcy. (公司无法偿还债务,可能会申请破产。)
15. The artist's hard work and talent eventually paid off when she achieved international recognition. (艺术家的努力和才华最终在她获得国际认可时得到回报。)
16. The pay for this job is based on experience and qualifications. (这份工作的薪水是根据经验和资格来定的。)
17. The company is looking to attract talented employees by offering competitive pay and benefits. (公司通过提供具有竞争力的工资和福利来吸引人才。)
18. He pays his bills online to save time and avoid late fees. (他在线支付账单以节省时间并避免滞纳金。)
19. The pay is based on the number of hours worked. (工资是根据工作的小时数来计算的。)
20. The company has a strict pay policy that ensures employees are compensated fairly. (公司有严格的工资政策,确保员工得到公正的补偿。)