- form [fɔːrm] (adj.) - 符合标准或期望的;正式的。
- form [fɔːrm] (n.) - 形式;表格;种类。
- form vs. shape - "form"更强调外在的、可见的外形;"shape"更强调物体的轮廓或整体结构。
- form vs. structure - "form"更侧重于外部形态或整体性质;"structure"更强调内部组织或构造。
- form vs. pattern - "form"指外形或结构的整体特征;"pattern"指可重复或可识别的形式、样式或排列。
- reform [rɪˈfɔːrm] (v.) - 改革;改善。
- deform [dɪˈfɔːrm] (v.) - 使变形;使畸形。
- formal [ˈfɔːrml] (adj.) - 正式的;庄重的。
- informal [ɪnˈfɔːrml] (adj.) - 非正式的;随意的。
- formless [ˈfɔːrmlɪs] (adj.) - 无形的;无结构的。
- formation [fɔːrˈmeɪʃn] (n.) - 形成;构造。
- transform [trænsˈfɔːrm] (v.) - 转变;改变。
- shape
- structure
- configuration
- arrangement
- pattern
- disorder
- chaos
- randomness
- informality
form (noun)
- A form of something is a type or kind of it.
- A form is a type of something that has a particular way of existing or appearing.
- A form is a document with blank spaces to be filled in.
- If you say that someone or something takes a particular form, you mean that they have that appearance or shape.
form (verb)
- If something forms or is formed from a number of things or people, it is made or created from them.
- If something forms part of a particular thing, it is one of the features or elements that makes up that thing.
- To form a plan or intention means to decide on it and work out how to achieve it.
- If something forms you in a particular way, or if you form yourself in that way, you become that type of person.
form (noun)
- The visible shape or configuration of something.
- A type or variety of something.
- A particular way in which a thing exists or appears.
- A blank document or template to be filled in.
form (verb)
- Bring together parts or combine to create (something).
- Start to exist or be evident.
- Develop or be created.
- Make or be made into a specific shape or form.
- He filled out the form before submitting his application.
- The artist used different colors to give form to his painting.
- The committee discussed the form and content of the report.
- It is important to form good habits at a young age.
- The clouds began to form in the sky, indicating an approaching storm.
- She had to form the dough into small balls before baking.
- The sculpture has a unique form that captures the viewer's attention. - 这座雕塑有一种独特的形态,吸引了观众的注意力。
- He filled out the form with his personal information. - 他填写了个人信息的表格。
- The company adopted a new management form to improve efficiency. - 公司采用了一种新的管理形式来提高效率。
- The river has eroded the rocks, creating interesting forms. - 河流侵蚀了岩石,形成了有趣的形态。
- We need to form a plan of action to address this issue. - 我们需要制定一个行动计划来解决这个问题。
- The team's performance in the game took an unexpected form. - 队伍在比赛中表现出了意外的形式。
- The caterpillar will form a cocoon and eventually emerge as a butterfly. - 毛毛虫将形成一个蚕茧,最终变成蝴蝶。
- The form of the building reflects the architect's vision. - 这座建筑的形式反映了建筑师的构想。
- He needs to submit a form to request a vacation. - 他需要提交一份表格来请假。
- The company underwent a major reform to improve its operations. - 公司进行了一次重大改革,以改善运营。
- His face formed a smile as he saw his friends approaching. - 看到朋友们走过来,他脸上浮现出了微笑。
- The storm clouds formed in the distance, darkening the sky. - 暴风雨云层在远处形成,天空变得阴暗起来。
- She hopes to transform her passion for art into a successful career. - 她希望将自己对艺术的热情转化为成功的事业。
- The new building's unique shape stands out in the city skyline. - 这座新建筑独特的形状在城市的天际线中显眼。
- The structure of the organization allows for efficient communication. - 组织的结构有助于高效的沟通。
- The configuration of the software can be customized to suit individual needs. - 这款软件的配置可以根据个人需求进行定制。
- The flowers were arranged in a beautiful pattern in the vase. - 花束在花瓶里摆出了一个美丽的图案。