中英词典 - barbarous
1. 野蛮的;残暴的
英文释义:savage, cruel, or brutal.
- The barbarous act of animal cruelty shocked the community. (那种野蛮的虐待动物的行为震惊了社区。)
- The prisoners were subjected to barbarous treatment by their captors. (囚犯们遭受着抓捕者的残暴对待。)
2. 粗鲁的;未开化的
英文释义:crude or uncivilized.
- The tourists were appalled by the barbarous manners of the locals. (游客们对当地人的粗鲁举止感到震惊。)
- He was known for his barbarous behavior at social events. (他因为在社交活动中的粗鲁行为而出名。)
1. 野蛮人;未开化的人
英文释义:a savage or uncivilized person.
- The explorers encountered a group of barbarous in the remote jungle. (探险者们在偏远的丛林中遇到了一群野蛮人。)
- The novel portrays the clash between civilization and the barbarous. (这本小说描绘了文明与未开化之间的冲突。)
1. barbarously (副词):野蛮地;残忍地
- The prisoners were barbarously tortured by their captors. (囚犯们被他们的抓捕者残忍地折磨。)
- He was barbarously murdered in cold blood. (他被残忍地冷血杀害。)
2. barbarity (名词):野蛮行为;残暴行为
- The barbarity of war was evident in the destruction caused by the bombings. (战争的野蛮行为在轰炸造成的破坏中显而易见。)
- His barbarity towards his employees eventually led to his downfall. (他对员工的残暴行为最终导致了他的垮台。)
savage, brutal, cruel, inhuman
civilized, refined, humane
1. If you describe something as barbarous, you strongly disapprove of it because you think that it is rough and uncivilized.
2. If you describe someone's behavior as barbarous, you strongly disapprove of it because you think that it is extremely cruel.
1. Barbarous acts are very cruel and violent acts.
2. Barbarous people are very cruel and violent.
1. Savagely cruel; exceedingly brutal.
2. Primitive; uncivilized.
1. A brutal or violent act.
2. A person who is brutal or uncivilized.
1. The barbarous treatment of prisoners is a violation of human rights.
2. The barbarous tribes in the region have a history of conflict.
3. The dictator's barbarous regime was characterized by widespread oppression.
- The barbarous act of animal cruelty shocked the community. (那种野蛮的虐待动物的行为震惊了社区。)
- The prisoners were subjected to barbarous treatment by their captors. (囚犯们遭受着抓捕者的残暴对待。)
- The tourists were appalled by the barbarous manners of the locals. (游客们对当地人的粗鲁举止感到震惊。)
- He was known for his barbarous behavior at social events. (他因为在社交活动中的粗鲁行为而出名。)
- The explorers encountered a group of barbarous in the remote jungle. (探险者们在偏远的丛林中遇到了一群野蛮人。)
- The novel portrays the clash between civilization and the barbarous. (这本小说描绘了文明与未开化之间的冲突。)
- The prisoners were barbarously tortured by their captors. (囚犯们被他们的抓捕者残忍地折磨。)
- He was barbarously murdered in cold blood. (他被残忍地冷血杀害。)
- The barbarity of war was evident in the destruction caused by the bombings. (战争的野蛮行为在轰炸造成的破坏中显而易见。)
- His barbarity towards his employees eventually led to his downfall. (他对员工的残暴行为最终导致了他的垮台。)
- Her barbarous treatment of the staff resulted in a high turnover rate. (她对员工的粗暴对待导致了高流动率。)
- The barbarous dictator ruled with an iron fist, suppressing any opposition. (这个野蛮的独裁者以铁腕统治,镇压任何反对派。)
- The barbarous tribes engaged in constant warfare over scarce resources. (那些野蛮的部落为了有限的资源而不断发动战争。)
- The barbarous customs and traditions of the ancient civilization were fascinating to archaeologists. (古代文明的野蛮习俗和传统让考古学家着迷。)
- The novel portrays the protagonist's struggle against the barbarous forces of evil. (这本小说描绘了主人公与邪恶的野蛮势力的斗争。)
- The barbarous act of terrorism left a lasting scar on the city. (恐怖主义的野蛮行为在城市上留下了永久的伤痕。)
- The barbarous regime was eventually overthrown by a popular uprising. (那个野蛮的政权最终被人民起义推翻了。)
- The barbarous treatment of prisoners violated international human rights standards. (对囚犯的野蛮对待违反了国际人权标准。)
- Despite living in a barbarous environment, the child managed to maintain his innocence. (尽管生活在一个野蛮的环境中,这个孩子设法保持了他的纯真。)
- Her barbarous behavior towards her classmates earned her a reputation as a bully. (她对同学的野蛮行为使她声名狼藉,成为一个恶霸。)
- The barbarous massacre of innocent civilians sparked international outrage. (对无辜平民的野蛮屠杀引发了国际愤慨。)