1. count (形容词): 有价值的,重要的
2. countable (形容词): 可数的
3. countless (形容词): 无数的
1. count (名词): 计数,数量
2. counting (名词): 计数
1. count on: 依靠,指望
2. count off: 数数,点名
3. count out: 排斥,不算在内
1. countable noun: 可数名词
2. counter: 计数器
3. recount: 重新计数
4. miscount: 计数错误
5. countdown: 倒计时
1. reckon
2. calculate
3. enumerate
1. disregard
2. ignore
3. overlook
count (verb)
1. If you count something or someone, you say numbers one after the other in order to find out how many there are. (计算)
2. If something counts or counts for a particular purpose, it is important or significant in relation to that purpose. (重要)
3. You can use count in expressions such as 'count yourself lucky' and 'count me out' to indicate your opinion of a situation or to emphasize that you are not including yourself in something. (表达观点)
4. If a quality or achievement counts towards something, it is included as one of the things which are considered in order to assess that thing. (计入)
5. If an action or activity counts as something, it can be regarded or considered as that thing. (被看作)
6. If something counts or counts for a particular purpose, it is important or significant in relation to that purpose. (有价值)
7. If you count someone or something as a particular thing, you consider them to be that thing. (认为是)
8. If something counts or counts against you, it is a disadvantage to you. (对...不利)
9. If you do not count something or someone, you ignore them and do not include them in what you are doing. (不计算)
10. If a particular time or period of time counts down, the time remaining is continually shown or announced, so that you know exactly how much time there is before a particular event.
count (noun)
1. A count is the action of counting a particular set of things, or the result that you get when you have counted them. (计数)
2. If something is true or correct to a certain count, it is true or correct to a particular degree, extent, or level. (相当程度)
count (verb)
1. Determine the total number of (a collection of items).
2. Take into account; include.
3. Regard or be regarded as possessing a specified quality or fulfilling a specified role.
4. Consider or regard as being.
5. Be significant.
6. Rely on or trust (someone or something) with the expectation of fulfilment.
7. (count someone/something out) Exclude someone or something from consideration or from being involved.
8. (count for/against) Be a factor that is taken into account in assessing something.
9. (count down) Recite or display numbers backward to zero to indicate the time remaining before the launch of a rocket or the start of an operation.
count (noun)
1. A total achieved or recorded.
2. The action of counting something.
3. The inclusion or exclusion of a specified set of items in a total count.
4. Each of a number of distinct things.
5. The reputation or status of someone or something.
1. Count can be used as a verb or a noun.
2. Count can also be used in various idiomatic expressions.
- I'll count to ten, and then you come and try to find me. (verb)
- Every vote counts in an election. (verb)
- I don't count myself as an expert. (verb)
- Your opinion counts for a lot. (verb)
- Her experience counts towards her qualifications. (verb)
- His years of service count as extra vacation time. (verb)
- I count him as a close friend. (verb)
- His criminal record counts against him in the job market. (verb)
- Let's not count the children out of the game. (verb)
- The countdown to the launch has begun. (verb)
- He gave a quick count of the money. (noun)
- The count of the votes is underway. (noun)
- She made a mistake in her count of the inventory. (noun)
- Please check the count of the items on the shelf. (noun)
- I'll be there in a count of three. (noun)
- The count of the population is conducted every ten years. (noun)
- She is a count in the royal family. (noun)
- He is a man of great count in the business world. (noun)
- Every vote counts in a democracy. (noun)
- The company's reputation is of utmost count. (noun)
- Count on me to help you with your project. (idiomatic expression)
- Don't count your chickens before they hatch. (idiomatic expression)
- He can always be counted on to make us laugh. (idiomatic expression)
- Count me out of the party, I have other plans. (idiomatic expression)