1. 全部的;完全的
英文解释:complete in extent or degree; absolute.
- She was in total control of the situation.(她对局势有绝对的控制。)
- We had a total of 500 applicants for the job.(这个职位共有500名申请人。)
- The company suffered total loss in the fire.(公司在火灾中遭受了全部损失。)
2. 总的;总共的
英文解释:constituting or comprising the whole; entire.
- The total area of the park is 100 acres.(公园的总面积是100英亩。)
- The total population of the city is over 2 million.(这座城市的总人口超过200万。)
- I spent a total of $200 on groceries this month.(我这个月在杂货上总共花了200美元。)
1. 总数;合计
英文解释:the whole amount; entirety.
- The total of your bill is $100.(你的账单总额是100美元。)
- The total of votes cast was 500.(投票总数为500。)
- She calculated the total of her expenses for the month.(她计算了这个月她的全部开销。)
2. 总和;总计
英文解释:the whole, especially when perceived as a single entity.
- The total of the parts is greater than the whole.(部分的总和大于整体。)
- The restaurant received a total of 100 reservations for tonight.(餐厅今晚共收到100个预订。)
- His investments have a total value of $1 million.(他的投资总价值为100万美元。)
1. total, complete, entire
例句:The total number of attendees was 200.
例句:The project is almost complete.
例句:She read the entire book in one day.
2. total, overall
例句:The total cost of the project is $10,000.
例句:The overall result of the experiment was positive.
1. subtotal:小计
2. tally:计数;清点
3. aggregate:总计;合计
4. sum:总数;总和
5. entirety:整体;全部
1. whole:全部的;整个的
2. complete:完整的;全面的
3. entire:整个的;全部的
4. overall:整体的;全面的
5. gross:总的;毛的
1. partial:部分的;不完全的
2. incomplete:不完整的;不全面的
3. fraction:部分;片段
total (adjective)
1. If a total number or quantity is calculated or shown, it is found by adding together all the amounts or quantities.
2. You use total to emphasize that a situation or state of affairs is as great in extent, degree, or amount as it possibly can be.
3. A total stranger is someone you have never seen before or do not know at all.
4. If something is a total failure or disaster, it fails or goes wrong in a very complete and severe way.
total (noun)
1. If you talk about a total of things, you are considering them as a single group rather than as several separate things.
2. If you refer to a total of something, you are emphasizing that it is as great in extent, degree, or amount as it possibly can be.
3. If you refer to a particular total, you mean the amount that you get when you add several smaller amounts together.
total (adjective)
1. Complete; absolute.
2. Amounting to a whole; overall.
total (noun)
1. The whole number or amount of something.
2. A damage or loss that cannot be repaired or recovered.
3. A person or thing that is a whole; a single entity.
4. A totalisator; a betting system in which all bets on a particular event are placed together.
1. in total:总计
2. come to a total of:总计达
3. total amount:总数
4. total cost:总成本
5. total population:总人口
- The total number of employees in the company is 500.(该公司的员工总数是500人。)
- The total area of the park is 100 hectares.(公园的总面积是100公顷。)
- We have a total of 20 volunteers for the event.(我们一共有20名志愿者参加这个活动。)
- He spent a total of $100 on books.(他花了100美元买书。)
- The total amount of money raised was $10,000.(筹集到的总金额为10000美元。)
- The company suffered a total loss in the fire.(公司在火灾中遭受了全部损失。)
- I have no idea how much the total cost will be.(我不知道总成本会是多少。)
- The overall result of the experiment was positive.(实验的整体结果是积极的。)
- She read the entire book in one day.(她一天内读完了整本书。)
- The whole process took about three hours.(整个过程大约花了三个小时。)
- The total of your bill is $100.(你的账单总额是100美元。)
- The total of votes cast was 500.(投票总数为500。)
- We have a total of 100 seats available.(我们总共有100个座位可供使用。)
- The total of the parts is greater than the whole.(部分的总和大于整体。)
- The restaurant received a total of 100 reservations for tonight.(餐厅今晚共收到100个预订。)
- His investments have a total value of $1 million.(他的投资总价值为100万美元。)
- The total cost of the project is $10,000.(项目的总成本为10000美元。)
- The project is almost complete.(项目几乎完成了。)
- This is the entire collection of her works.(这是她全部作品的集合。)
- The overall condition of the car is good.(这辆车的整体状况良好。)