1. equals 中文翻译:相等的,平等的 英文释义:the same in quantity, size, degree, value, or status 2. equal 中文翻译:相同的,相等的,平等的 英文释义: 1. the same in quantity, size, degree, value, or status 2. having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something名词
1. equal 中文翻译:相等者,平等者 英文释义: 1. a person or thing that is the same as another in quality, size, degree, value, or status 2. a person or thing of the same ability or achievement as another 2. equality 中文翻译:平等,相等 英文释义:the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities词语辨析
1. equals vs equal equals强调两个或多个事物在数量、大小、程度、价值或地位上完全相同;equal强调在数量、大小、程度、价值或地位上相同或对等。 2. equal vs equality equal强调两个或多个事物在数量、大小、程度、价值或地位上相同;equality强调在地位、权利或机会上的平等。词汇扩充
equals 1. ADJ-GRADED 相等的;平等的 If one amount or value equals another, they are the same.The sum of our ages equals 85. 我们两个人的年龄总和是85岁。
2. N-COUNT 相等物;平等物 If one person or thing is the equal of another, the two people or things are the same in some way.She has established herself as the equal of any man in the department. 她已经证明自己和该部门的任何男人一样出色。
3. N-COUNT 相等者;平等者 People who are the equals of each other are the same in some way, especially in their abilities, qualities, or achievements.His new book is the equal of anything he has written. 他的新书和他过去写的任何书一样出色。
4. N-UNCOUNT 平等 Equality is the same status, rights, or opportunities as others, for example because you are the same sex or race as them....the struggle for equality and civil rights. ...争取平等和民权的斗争。
equals 1. NOUN 相等者;平等者 A person or thing that is the same as another in status or quality.Their equal in skill and knowledge. 他们在技能和知识方面的平等。
2. NOUN 相等物;平等物 A person or thing that is the same as another in status or quality.Their equal in skill and knowledge. 他们在技能和知识方面的平等。
3. ADJECTIVE 相等的;平等的 Having the required qualities to meet a particular standard.His father never thought he was equal to the role of managing the farm. 他父亲从未认为他能胜任管理农场的角色。
equals作为形容词和名词使用,形容词equals可以修饰名词,表示"相等的"或"平等的"。名词equals可以指"相等者"或"平等者",也可以指"相等物"或"平等物"。 例如: 1. As an adjective:Two plus two equals four. 两加二等于四。
She is the equal of any man in the department. 她和该部门的任何男人一样出色。
2. As a noun:She considers him her equal in skill and knowledge. 她认为他在技能和知识方面是她的平等。
The struggle for equality and civil rights. 争取平等和民权的斗争。