《柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)》中的“sure”
1. 确定的;有把握的:
Are you sure about that? 你对此确信吗?
He's not sure if he can come. 他不确定能否来。
2. 必定的;毫无疑问的:
I'm sure I've seen her before. 我肯定以前见过她。
She's sure to win the race. 她肯定会赢得这场比赛。
3. 确实的;可靠的:
He's a sure source of information. 他是一个可靠的信息来源。
We need to find a sure solution to this problem. 我们需要找到一个确实的解决办法。
1. 确定的事物;有把握的事情:
The only sure in life is change. 生活中唯一确定的是变化。
There are no guarantees, but it's worth a sure. 没有保证,但值得一试。
2. 一定赢的赌注;胜算很大的事情:
It's a sure, you can't lose. 这是一个一定赢的赌注,你不会输的。
She's a sure for the promotion. 她在晋升方面胜算很大。
1. sure 和 certain:
sure 和 certain 都有“确信的,确定的”含义,它们可以用来表示对某事的肯定判断。但 certain 更强调对某事的确定性,程度上比 sure 更强烈。
I'm sure he will come.(我确信他会来。)
I'm certain he will come.(我肯定他会来。)
2. sure 和 confident:
sure 和 confident 都有“有信心的,确信的”含义,但 confident 更强调内心的自信,程度上比 sure 更高。
I'm sure I can pass the exam.(我确信我能通过考试。)
I'm confident I can pass the exam.(我有信心能通过考试。)
ensure sb. of sth.:向某人确保某事
insure against sth.:为某事投保
assure sb. that...:向某人保证…
《牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)》中的“sure”
1. 确定的;有把握的:
Are you sure about that? 你对此确信吗?
I'm not sure where I left my keys. 我不确定我把钥匙放在哪里了。
2. 必定的;肯定的:
She's sure to win the race. 她肯定会赢得这场比赛。
It's sure to rain today. 今天肯定会下雨。
3. 确定无疑的;可靠的:
He's a sure source of information. 他是一个可靠的信息来源。
The evidence is not sure enough. 证据不够确凿。
1. 确定的事物;有把握的事情:
The only sure in life is change. 生活中唯一确定的是变化。
There are no sure in this world. 这个世界上没有什么事是确定的。
2. 一定赢的赌注;胜算很大的事情:
It's a sure, you can't lose. 这是一个一定赢的赌注,你不会输的。
She's a sure for the promotion. 她在晋升方面胜算很大。
1. sure 作形容词时,后面可以接不定式或从句。
I'm sure to pass the exam.(我肯定会通过考试。)
He's sure that she will come.(他确信她会来。)
2. sure 作名词时,通常用于否定句中。
There are no sure in life.(生活中没有什么事是确定的。)
I can't say for sure.(我不能确定。)
I'm not sure if I can make it to the party tonight.(我不确定今晚能否参加派对。)
She's sure of her decision and won't change her mind.(她对自己的决定确信无疑,不会改变主意。)
He's a sure candidate for the position.(他是这个职位的有力候选人。)
Make sure to lock the door before you leave.(离开前一定要锁好门。)
Are you sure about the time of the meeting?(你对开会时间确定吗?)
She's confident that she will win the competition.(她有信心能赢得比赛。)
He assured me that everything would be fine.(他向我保证一切都会好的。)
I'm not certain if he will come or not.(我不确定他是否会来。)
He's unsure about his career path at the moment.(他暂时对自己的职业道路不确定。)
She insured her car against theft and accidents.(她为自己的汽车投保了盗窃和事故险。)
Ensure that the equipment is in good working condition.(确保设备处于良好的工作状态。)
There is no sure way to predict the outcome.(没有一种确定的方法可以预测结果。)
He's a sure bet for the job.(他是这份工作的最有把握的人选。)
I'm sure of his honesty.(我对他的诚实有把握。)
She's not sure whether she should accept the offer.(她不确定是否应该接受这个提议。)
There are no guarantees in life.(生活中没有什么是确定的。)
The team is confident of winning the championship.(这个团队有信心赢得冠军。)
He's a sure source of information.(他是一个可靠的信息来源。)
The evidence is not sure enough to convict him.(证据不足以定他的罪。)
She's a sure for the promotion with her qualifications.(凭借她的资历,她在晋升方面胜算很大。)
I can't say for sure if he will come to the party.(我不能确定他是否会来参加派对。)