1. 值得的;应得的 Meaning: Worthy of or entitled to; merit. 词语辨析: - deserve和worthy都强调某人对于某事的应有的价值或地位,但worthy更强调某人的品质、能力或价值。 - deserve还可以用来表示某人因为做了某事而应得到某种待遇或报酬。 词汇扩充: - deserving (形容词):值得的,应得的 - deservedly (副词):理所应当地 近义词: merit, warrant, earn, be entitled to 反义词: unworthy, undeserving 柯林斯词典: v. If someone or something deserves something, they should have it or do it because of their qualities or actions. 牛津词典: v. Do something or have or show qualities worthy of (a reaction which rewards or punishes as appropriate) 用法: - He deserves to be punished for what he did. - She deserves a promotion for her hard work. - The movie deserves all the praise it is receiving.名词
1. 值得的事物;应得的报酬 Meaning: Something that is deserved or merited. 词语辨析: - deserve作为名词时,常用于复数形式“deserves”,表示值得的事物或应得的报酬。 词汇扩充: - deserve (动词):应得,应受 柯林斯词典: n. Merit or a claim to reward or punishment. 牛津词典: n. Good or bad things that someone should have because of their good or bad actions or qualities. 用法: - He received his just deserves. - She got her deserves for all the effort she put in.例句
- He deserves to be praised for his hard work.(他应该因为他的辛勤工作而受到称赞。)
- She deserves a raise for her dedication to the company.(她因为对公司的奉献应该得到加薪。)
- The team deserves to win the championship after their outstanding performance.(由于他们出色的表现,这支队伍应该赢得冠军。)
- He deserves a second chance to prove himself.(他应该有第二次机会证明自己。)
- The students deserve credit for their excellent grades.(学生们在成绩优异上应该得到赞扬。)
- She deserves all the success she has achieved.(她所取得的一切成功都是应得的。)
- He doesn't deserve your forgiveness.(他不值得你的原谅。)
- The criminal deserves to be punished for his crimes.(这个罪犯应该因他的罪行而受到惩罚。)
- The company's success is well-deserved.(公司的成功是理所应当的。)
- He worked hard and his promotion was well-deserved.(他工作努力,晋升是应得的。)
- She deserves a better life than this.(她应该有比这更好的生活。)
- The teacher recognized the student's effort and gave her the praise she deserves.(老师认可了学生的努力并给予了她应得的表扬。)
- The actor's performance in the play deserves applause.(这位演员在这出戏中的表演值得鼓掌。)
- He deserves a medal for his bravery.(他因勇敢而应该获得一枚奖章。)
- The artist deserves recognition for her unique style.(这位艺术家应该因其独特的风格而受到认可。)
- They deserve each other.(他们相互配对。)
- He didn't get what he deserved.(他没有得到他应得的。)
- She worked tirelessly and finally got the recognition she deserved.(她不辞辛劳,最终得到了她应得的认可。)
- He deserves a pat on the back for his achievement.(他的成就值得表扬。)
- They deservedly won the competition.(他们理所当然地赢得了比赛。)
- She deserves a break after working so hard.(她辛苦工作后应该休息一下。)