1. 谦虚的;谦逊的
英文释义:having or showing a moderate or humble estimate of one's merits, importance, etc.; free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions.
近义词:humble, unassuming
反义词:arrogant, boastful, conceited
- Someone who is modest does not want to talk about their abilities or achievements.
- Modest behaviour, dressing, or people do not like to talk about their abilities or achievements.
- Unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements.
- (Of an amount, rate, or level of something) relatively moderate, limited, or small.
- (Of a woman) dressing or behaving so as to avoid impropriety or indecency, especially to avoid attracting sexual attention.
2. 适度的;不过分的
英文释义:having or showing a moderate or average amount, size, quality, etc.
近义词:moderate, reasonable
反义词:excessive, extravagant, immoderate
- If you say that something is modest, you mean that it is moderate in amount, size, or importance.
- Modest behaviour, dressing, etc. is careful not to attract attention to itself.
- Unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements.
- (Of an amount, rate, or level of something) relatively moderate, limited, or small.
英文释义:the quality of being modest; freedom from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions.
近义词:humility, unpretentiousness
反义词:arrogance, conceit
- Modesty is the quality of not being too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities.
- The quality or state of being unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements.
- He is a modest person and doesn't like to boast about his achievements.(他是个谦虚的人,不喜欢吹嘘自己的成就。)
- She dressed in a modest outfit for the job interview.(她为了面试穿着朴素的衣服。)
- Despite his success, he remains modest and down-to-earth.(尽管他很成功,但他仍然谦逊和脚踏实地。)
- We only have modest expectations for this project.(对于这个项目,我们只有适度的期望。)
- The company reported a modest increase in profits for the year.(公司报告称今年利润有适度增长。)
- She was known for her modesty and humility.(她以谦逊和谦虚而著称。)
- The team celebrated their modest victory with a small party.(团队以小型派对庆祝他们的小小胜利。)
- He always speaks with modesty and never exaggerates his accomplishments.(他总是谦虚地说话,从不夸大自己的成就。)
- She expressed her gratitude with modesty and grace.(她以谦逊和优雅的方式表达了自己的感激之情。)
- Despite her fame, she has remained modest and unaffected.(尽管她很有名气,但她保持谦虚和不受影响。)
- The size of the project is relatively modest compared to others in the industry.(与行业中其他项目相比,该项目的规模相对较小。)
- The company has achieved a modest level of success in its first year.(公司在第一年取得了适度的成功。)
- She prefers a modest lifestyle and doesn't spend extravagantly.(她更喜欢过简朴的生活方式,不奢侈消费。)
- The dress she wore to the party was modest and elegant.(她穿着的派对礼服朴素而优雅。)
- He made a modest proposal to improve the efficiency of the team.(他提出了一个适度的建议,以提高团队的效率。)
- Despite their modest means, they always manage to help others in need.(尽管他们收入有限,但他们总是设法帮助有需要的人。)
- The speaker captivated the audience with her modesty and sincerity.(演讲者以她的谦逊和真诚迷住了观众。)
- She received a modest salary for her work, but she loved what she did.(她为自己的工作拿到了适度的薪水,但她喜欢自己做的事情。)
- He modestly accepted the award and thanked his team for their support.(他谦虚地接受了奖项,并感谢团队的支持。)
- Despite her modesty, she possesses great talent and potential.(尽管她谦虚,但她拥有巨大的才能和潜力。)
- The modesty of her accomplishments belies her true abilities.(她的成就谦虚掩盖了她真正的能力。)