1. lead [liːd] / adjective - Chinese: 铅的;铅制的 - Example: Be cautious when handling lead pipes. - English: made of or containing lead - Example: The artist used a lead pencil to sketch the portrait. 2. leading [ˈliːdɪŋ] / adjective - Chinese: 主要的;领先的;首位的 - Example: She is a leading expert in her field. - English: main or most important - Example: The company is a leading provider of software solutions.名词(Noun)
1. lead [liːd] / noun - Chinese: 铅;领导地位;线索 - Example: The toy contained lead, which was harmful if ingested. - English: a heavy, soft, bluish-gray metallic element; a clue or piece of information that helps to solve a problem or mystery - Example: The detective followed every lead to solve the murder case. 2. leadership [ˈliːdərʃɪp] / noun - Chinese: 领导地位;领导能力 - Example: The company praised her for her strong leadership skills. - English: the position or function of a leader; the ability to lead - Example: The president demonstrated strong leadership during the crisis.词语辨析
- lead vs. leash - lead: 指用于牵引动物的绳子或链条 - Example: The dog's lead was too short for it to roam freely. - leash: 泛指狗的牵引绳 - Example: She held onto the leash tightly to control the energetic puppy. - leading vs. dominant - leading: 表示在某个领域处于首位或领先地位 - Example: The university is a leading institution for scientific research. - dominant: 表示在某个领域占主导地位 - Example: The company has a dominant market share in the smartphone industry.词汇扩充
- mislead [mɪsˈliːd] / verb - Chinese: 误导;引入歧途 - Example: The false advertisement misled customers into purchasing ineffective products. - leaden [ˈlɛdən] / adjective - Chinese: 沉重的;无生气的 - Example: Her leaden footsteps echoed in the empty hallway.近义词(Synonyms)
- guide / verb - direct / verb - steer / verb反义词(Antonyms)
- follow / verb - obey / verb - trail / verb柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
lead (noun) / liːd / - Chinese: 铅;引导;线索 - Example: There is a lead in the water supply. lead (verb) / liːd / - Chinese: 引导;领导;主演 - Example: He led us to the front door.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
lead (noun) / liːd / - Chinese: 铅;引导;线索 - Example: The pencil contained lead. lead (verb) / liːd / - Chinese: 引导;领导;主演 - Example: He led the team to victory.用法
- take the lead / phrase - Chinese: 带头;取得领先地位 - Example: The team captain always takes the lead in motivating the players. - lead by example / phrase - Chinese: 以身作则 - Example: The manager always leads by example by arriving early and working diligently.例句
- The detective followed every lead to solve the murder case. (这位侦探追踪每个线索来解决谋杀案。)
- She is a leading expert in her field. (她是该领域的顶尖专家。)
- Be cautious when handling lead pipes. (处理铅管时要小心。)
- He led us to the front door. (他带领我们走到前门。)
- The artist used a lead pencil to sketch the portrait. (艺术家用铅笔勾画了肖像。)
- The company is a leading provider of software solutions. (该公司是软件解决方案的领先供应商。)
- The toy contained lead, which was harmful if ingested. (这个玩具含有铅,如果吞食会有害。)
- The university is a leading institution for scientific research. (这所大学是科学研究的领先机构。)
- She held onto the leash tightly to control the energetic puppy. (她紧紧抓住狗链来控制精力充沛的小狗。)
- The false advertisement misled customers into purchasing ineffective products. (虚假广告误导了客户购买无效产品。)
- Her leaden footsteps echoed in the empty hallway. (她沉重的脚步声在空旷的走廊中回荡。)
- The company praised her for her strong leadership skills. (公司赞扬她出色的领导能力。)
- The president demonstrated strong leadership during the crisis. (总统在危机期间展现了强大的领导力。)
- The dog's lead was too short for it to roam freely. (狗链太短,它无法自由活动。)
- He led the team to victory. (他带领球队取得了胜利。)
- There is a lead in the water supply. (供水中含有铅。)
- The pencil contained lead. (这支铅笔含有铅。)
- The team captain always takes the lead in motivating the players. (队长总是带头激励队员。)
- The manager always leads by example by arriving early and working diligently. (经理总是以身作则,早到并勤奋工作。)