1. pilot (adj.)
例句:They conducted a pilot study to test the feasibility of their research.
1. pilot (n.)
例句:The pilot skillfully landed the plane during the storm.
2. pilot (n.)
例句:The city implemented a pilot program to test the new transportation system.
pilot vs. captain
中文:飞行员 vs. 机长
pilotage (n.)
例句:The ship relied on the pilotage service to navigate safely through the narrow channel.
pilotless (adj.)
例句:The company is developing pilotless drones for various applications.
aviator (n.)
例句:The aviator completed a solo flight around the world.
ground (n.)
例句:The pilot was eager to get back in the air after being grounded for several weeks.
pilot (noun)
1. A pilot is a person who is trained to fly an aircraft.
2. A pilot is a person who is in control of a ship when it enters or leaves a port, or who guides other ships in and out of a port.
3. A pilot is a television programme made to test if a new series of programmes will be successful.
pilot (adjective)
1. Pilot means done as an experiment or test.
2. Pilot is used to describe a product or system that has been developed as a test and that may be changed before it is introduced.
pilot (noun)
1. A person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.
2. A person who operates the navigational controls of a ship, aircraft, or spacecraft.
pilot (adjective)
1. Used as an experimental or initial stage
2. Relating to the testing of a product or system before being introduced.
- The pilots landed the plane safely during severe weather conditions.
- The city launched a pilot program to promote recycling in selected neighborhoods.
- She enrolled in a pilot training program to fulfill her dream of becoming a pilot.
- The pilot episode of the TV series received positive reviews from critics.
- The company is piloting a new software system before implementing it across the organization.
- The pilots landed the plane safely during severe weather conditions. (飞行员在恶劣的天气条件下安全降落飞机。)
- The city launched a pilot program to promote recycling in selected neighborhoods. (该城市推出了一个试验项目,在选定的社区推广回收利用。)
- She enrolled in a pilot training program to fulfill her dream of becoming a pilot. (她参加了一项飞行员培训计划,以实现成为飞行员的梦想。)
- The pilot episode of the TV series received positive reviews from critics. (该电视剧的试播集收到了评论家们的积极评价。)
- The company is piloting a new software system before implementing it across the organization. (该公司正在对一种新的软件系统进行试点,然后再在整个组织中实施。)
- The pilot skillfully landed the helicopter on the rooftop helipad. (飞行员熟练地将直升机降落在屋顶的直升机停机坪上。)
- The pilot guided the cargo ship safely through the narrow channel. (领航员安全地引导货船通过狭窄的航道。)
- The pilot program aims to test the effectiveness of the new teaching method. (试点计划旨在测试新的教学方法的有效性。)
- After the successful pilot, the company plans to expand the service nationwide. (在试点成功后,公司计划将该服务扩展到全国范围。)
- The pilot study provided valuable insights for further research. (这项试验性研究为进一步的研究提供了宝贵的见解。)
- We need a pilot project to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed solution. (我们需要一个试点项目来评估拟议解决方案的可行性。)
- The pilot scheme aims to improve public transportation in the city center. (试点方案旨在改善市中心的公共交通。)
- The pilot car led the way for the oversized truck. (引路车为超大型卡车带路。)
- The pilot navigated the ship through the treacherous waters. (领航员引导船只穿越险恶的水域。)
- The pilot light on the stove indicates that the gas is on. (炉灶上的试点灯指示着燃气已开启。)
- The pilot plant is used to test the production process on a smaller scale. (试验厂用于在较小的规模上测试生产过程。)
- He was chosen to pilot the new drone prototype. (他被选中驾驶新的无人机原型。)
- The pilot study showed promising results and will be followed by a larger-scale trial. (试验性研究显示出有希望的结果,并将接下来进行大规模试验。)
- She successfully piloted the company through the financial crisis. (她成功地引导公司渡过了金融危机。)
- The pilot episode of the TV series introduced the main characters and set the tone for the rest of the season. (该电视剧的试播集介绍了主要角色,并为后续的季度定下了基调。)
- The company plans to pilot the new software in a few selected departments before rolling it out company-wide. (该公司计划在几个选定的部门试点新软件,然后在全公司推广。)