ruin (noun)
1. The ruins of a building or town are the parts that are left after it has been severely damaged or has gradually fallen down.
2. If a person, organization, or country is in ruins, they are in such a bad state or condition that they are almost destroyed.
ruin (verb)
1. If people or events ruin something, they severely damage or harm it.
2. If someone is ruined by something such as a bad habit, a loss, or a disaster, it causes them to lose all their money, hope, or happiness.
ruin (noun)
1. The physical destruction or disintegration of something, especially a building or place.
2. The state of being completely destroyed or devastated.
ruin (verb)
1. Bring about the destruction of a person, place, or thing.
2. Reduce (a building or place) to a state of decay, collapse, or disintegration.
1. The war left the city in ruins.
2. His excessive gambling habits ruined him financially.
3. The fire completely destroyed the old house.
4. The company's bankruptcy brought ruin to many families.
5. The earthquake brought ruin upon the small village.
1. The ancient temple is now in ruins. (古老的寺庙现在成为废墟。)
2. The economic crisis has brought ruin to many businesses. (经济危机使许多企业破产。)
3. His addiction to drugs ruined his life. (他对毒品的沉迷毁了他的生活。)
4. The hurricane left a trail of ruin in its wake. (飓风过后留下了一片破坏。)
5. The war-torn country is in ruins. (那个饱经战火的国家已经成为废墟。)
6. The floodwaters have caused extensive ruin to the crops. (洪水对农作物造成了广泛的破坏。)
7. The once prosperous town is now a ghostly ruin. (曾经繁荣的城镇现在成为了一片鬼城。)
8. His reckless behavior will lead to his own ruin. (他的鲁莽行为将导致他自己的毁灭。)
9. The fire quickly spread and reduced the building to ruin. (火灾迅速蔓延,将建筑物化为废墟。)
10. The stock market crash caused financial ruin for many investors. (股市崩盘导致许多投资者破产。)
11. The ruins of the ancient castle attract tourists from all over the world. (古堡的废墟吸引了来自世界各地的游客。)
12. The family's wealth was brought to ruin by their extravagant lifestyle. (这个家族的财富因过度奢华的生活方式而付之一炬。)
13. The earthquake left the city in ruins, with buildings collapsed and roads destroyed. (地震使得这座城市成为了一片废墟,建筑物倒塌,道路被毁。)
14. The factory closure resulted in the ruin of the entire town's economy. (工厂关闭导致了整个城镇经济的破产。)
15. His excessive drinking habit ruined his health. (他过度的饮酒习惯毁了他的健康。)
16. The ruins of the ancient civilization provide valuable insights into the past. (古代文明的废墟为我们提供了宝贵的过去的见解。)
17. The flood caused widespread ruin in the coastal area. (洪水在沿海地区造成了广泛的毁灭。)
18. The company's unethical practices eventually led to its own ruin. (公司的不道德行为最终导致了自己的毁灭。)
19. The artist's death marked the ruin of his unfinished masterpiece. (艺术家的去世标志着他未完成的杰作的毁灭。)
20. The ruins of the castle serve as a reminder of the region's rich history. (古堡的废墟提醒着人们这个地区丰富的历史。)