1. When people pray, they speak to God in order to give thanks or to ask for help.
2. If you offer a prayer, you say a prayer.
3. Prayers are religious ceremonies in which people pray, especially in church.
4. Prayers are words spoken to God in which you give thanks or ask for something.
1. A prayer is a religious service in which people sit or kneel and speak to God in order to praise him, ask for his help, or to give thanks.
2. A prayer is the words that someone speaks when they are praying.
3. A prayer is a religious song.
4. Prayers are the things that people pray for.
1. Please join us in prayer for the victims of the disaster.
2. She offered a prayer of thanks for their safe arrival.
3. The family attended prayers at the local church.
4. He whispered a prayer for strength before the competition.
- Please keep them in your prayers for a quick recovery. (请为他们祈祷,希望他们能尽快康复)
- He knelt down and said a prayer. (他跪下来祷告)
- The Sunday service included prayers and hymns. (周日礼拜包括祷告和赞美诗)
- She murmured a prayer under her breath. (她低声念了一段祷文)
- They attended morning prayers at the mosque. (他们去清真寺参加早祷)
- She offered a prayer of gratitude for her good fortune. (她为自己的好运念了一段感恩的祷文)
- The congregation sang a hymn after the prayers. (祷告之后,教徒们唱了一首赞美诗)
- His prayers were answered, and he found a job. (他的祈祷得到了回应,他找到了一份工作)
- She said a silent prayer for her sick mother. (她为她生病的母亲默默祷告)
- The priest led the prayers for peace. (牧师主持了和平的祷告仪式)
- We offered prayers for those affected by the natural disaster. (我们为受自然灾害影响的人们祷告)
- He recited his evening prayers before going to bed. (他在睡觉前念了晚祷)
- The child folded his hands and said a bedtime prayer. (孩子合上双手,念了个晚祷)
- She found solace in prayer during difficult times. (在困难时期,她通过祷告找到了安慰)
- The congregation joined in the Lord's Prayer. (教徒们一同诵读主祷文)
- Her prayers for success were answered, and she passed the exam. (她的求学顺利的祈祷得到了回应,她通过了考试)
- He offered a prayer of forgiveness for his past mistakes. (他为自己过去的错误祈求宽恕)
- She recited a prayer before taking the stage. (她在上台前念了一段祷文)
- The priest led the congregation in prayers for peace and unity. (牧师带领教徒们为和平与团结祷告)
- He uttered a prayer of thanks for the safe return of his family. (他为家人平安归来念了一段感恩的祷文)
- She found comfort in the act of prayer. (她从祷告的行为中找到了安慰)