immediate (adj.)
If something is immediate, it happens or is done without any delay.
immediate (adj.)
If something is immediate, it is next to or very near to another. If you describe one thing as immediate to another, you mean that it is next to it or very near to it.
immediate (adj.)
If you talk about an immediate result, cause, or problem, you mean that it is directly connected with something else rather than caused by several other things.
immediate (adj.)
Happening or done without delay or very soon after something else.
immediate (adj.)
Next in order or relation.
immediate (adj.)
Having a direct bearing or relation.
1. They demanded immediate action to stop the violence.
2. The office is in immediate danger of collapse.
3. The immediate problem is one of unemployment.
1. I need an immediate response to my request. (我需要对我的请求立即做出回应。)
2. She is the immediate superior of all the employees in the department. (她是该部门所有员工的直属上级。)
3. The meeting has been postponed until further notice. There is no immediate plan to reschedule. (会议已经推迟,恢复时间未定。暂时没有立即重新安排的计划。)
4. The doctor will see you immediately. (医生会立刻见你。)
5. The immediate task is to clean up the mess. (当务之急是清理这个混乱。)
6. He is my immediate boss. (他是我的直接上司。)
7. The police officer acted with immediate response. (警察迅速采取了行动。)
8. The factory is in immediate need of repairs. (工厂急需维修。)
9. The immediate area surrounding the building was cordoned off by the police. (警方封锁了大楼周围的直接区域。)
10. The immediate family members were notified of the accident. (直系亲属已被通知事故的发生。)
11. The immediate effect of the new policy was a decrease in sales. (新政策的直接影响是销售额下降。)
12. We need to take immediate action to prevent further damage. (我们需要立即采取行动,防止进一步损害。)
13. The immediate solution is to restart the system. (立即的解决办法是重新启动系统。)
14. She has an immediate family of four. (她有一个四口之家。)
15. The immediate vicinity of the explosion was evacuated. (爆炸现场的周围地区已经被疏散。)
16. The company needs an immediate infusion of cash to stay afloat. (公司需要立即注入资金以保持运营。)
17. The immediate cause of the fire was an electrical fault. (火灾的直接原因是电路故障。)
18. She took immediate action to correct the mistake. (她立即采取行动纠正错误。)
19. The immediate outcome of the experiment was unexpected. (实验的直接结果出乎意料。)
20. The immediate supervisor will provide training to the new employees. (直接主管将为新员工提供培训。)