1. sprite [形容词] 精灵般的;活泼的;活泼可爱的。
1. sprite [名词] 精灵;小妖精。
2. sprite [名词] (计算机图形学中的)精灵。
3. sprite [名词] (饮料中的)苏打水。
1. fairy [名词] 仙女;小精灵。
2. elf [名词] 小精灵;精怪。
3. goblin [名词] 妖精;小鬼。
4. imp [名词] 小鬼;顽童。
fairy, elf, goblin, imp
human, mortal
sprite [名词] 1. (传说中的)小精灵;2. (计算机图形学中的)精灵;3. 苏打水。
sprite [名词] 1. (传说中的)小精灵;2. (计算机图形学中的)精灵;3. 苏打水。
1. 形容词用法:
She has a sprite personality.(她有一种活泼可爱的性格。)
2. 名词用法:
The sprite in the fairy tale helped the protagonist on his journey.(童话故事中的精灵帮助了主人公的旅程。)
In computer graphics, a sprite is a two-dimensional image or animation that is integrated into a larger scene.(在计算机图形学中,精灵是一个嵌入到更大场景中的二维图像或动画。)
I'll have a sprite with my meal, please.(请给我来一杯苏打水。)
- She danced around like a sprite, full of energy.(她像小妖精一样跳舞,充满活力。)
- The children believed that the forest was filled with sprites and fairies.(孩子们相信森林里布满了精灵和仙女。)
- The game character is designed as a cute sprite with magical powers.(游戏角色被设计成一个拥有魔力的可爱精灵。)
- The soda fountain offers a variety of flavors, including cola and sprite.(这家汽水机提供各种口味,包括可乐和苏打水。)
- He looked up to see a sprite hovering above him, its wings shimmering in the sunlight.(他抬头看到一个精灵盘旋在他上方,它的翅膀在阳光下闪耀。)
- The game uses sprites to create a visually appealing and immersive experience.(这款游戏使用精灵来创造视觉上吸引人且身临其境的体验。)
- She ordered a sprite to quench her thirst after a long hike.(她在长时间徒步旅行后点了一杯苏打水来解渴。)
- The sprite in the painting seemed to come alive, its eyes twinkling mischievously.(画中的精灵似乎活了起来,它的眼睛调皮地闪烁着。)
- He captured the sprite with his camera, capturing its ethereal beauty.(他用相机捕捉到了精灵,捕捉到了它那飘渺的美。)
- The sprite floated through the forest, leaving a trail of magic dust behind.(精灵在森林中飘荡,留下一条魔法尘埃的痕迹。)
- The game developer created intricate sprites for each character in the game.(游戏开发者为游戏中的每个角色创建了精心设计的精灵。)
- He mixed the sprite with some orange juice to make a refreshing cocktail.(他将苏打水与一些橙汁混合,制作了一款提神的鸡尾酒。)
- The sprite flew around the room, sprinkling magic dust as it went.(精灵在房间里飞来飞去,散落着魔法尘埃。)
- The children squealed with delight as the sprite granted their wishes.(孩子们因为精灵实现了他们的愿望而欢呼雀跃。)
- She dressed up as a sprite for the costume party, complete with wings and a sparkling dress.(她为化装舞会扮成了一个精灵,带上了翅膀和一条闪闪发光的裙子。)
- The sprite in the video game can jump, run, and shoot fireballs.(视频游戏中的精灵可以跳跃、奔跑和发射火球。)
- He couldn't help but smile at the sprite's mischievous antics.(他禁不住对精灵调皮捣蛋的举动笑了起来。)
- The sprite hid behind a mushroom, peering out to see if anyone was watching.(精灵躲在一个蘑菇后面,探头看看是否有人在看着。)
- The children's laughter echoed through the forest as they played with the sprites.(孩子们和精灵一起玩耍,笑声在森林中回荡。)
- The artist painted a beautiful landscape with sprites dancing among flowers and trees.(艺术家画了一幅美丽的风景画,精灵在花草树木间跳舞。)