1. 铁轨;轨道
英文:rail, railway
- He placed the coin on the rail and watched as the train passed by.(他把硬币放在铁轨上,看着火车驶过。)
- The workers were repairing the damaged railway after the accident.(事故发生后,工人们正在修理受损的铁路。)
2. 栏杆;扶手
英文:rail, railing
- She held onto the rail as she descended the stairs.(她下楼时抓住了栏杆。)
- There is a beautiful wrought iron railing along the balcony.(阳台上有一道漂亮的铁艺扶手。)
3. 抱怨;责骂
英文:complaint, reprimand
- She received a rail from her boss for her poor performance.(她因表现不佳而受到了老板的责骂。)
- His constant railing against the government made him unpopular.(他对政府的不断抱怨使他不受欢迎。)
1. 铁路的;铁路运输的
英文:rail, railway
- She prefers to travel by rail rather than by air.(她更喜欢乘火车而不是飞机旅行。)
- The rail network connects major cities across the country.(铁路网络连接着全国各大城市。)
2. 抱怨的;责骂的
英文:complaining, reproachful
- His rail attitude towards the project caused tension among the team members.(他对项目的抱怨态度导致团队成员之间紧张。)
- She gave him a reproachful look after his rail comments.(在他的责骂言论之后,她用责备的眼神看着他。)
1. rail与railway的区别:
2. rail与railing的区别:
1. railroad(名词):美国英语中对铁路的称呼。
2. monorail(名词):单轨铁道。
3. light rail(名词):轻轨;有轨电车。
4. railing(名词):栏杆;扶手。
5. railcar(名词):铁路客车;铁路货车。
6. railing(动词):责骂;抱怨。
7. railhead(名词):铁路始发站;铁路终点站。
8. derail(动词):使脱轨。
1. track(名词):轨道;赛道。
2. railway(名词):铁路。
3. train(名词):火车。
1. road(名词):道路。
2. airway(名词):航线。
rail (noun)
- A rail is a horizontal bar attached to posts or fixed round the edge of something as a fence or barrier.
- A rail is a steel bar attached to two posts or walls, that you can hold onto when you are going up or down stairs.
- A rail is a railway track that trains run on.
- A rail is a horizontal bar that you can slide things along or hang things on.
- A rail is a long piece of wood or metal that is attached to the bottom of a piece of furniture and that it stands on.
- A rail is one of the two metal bars that a bicycle is balanced on.
- A rail is a set of two bars fixed to the ground, which you use to do exercises to strengthen your arm and leg muscles.
rail (verb)
- If you rail against something, you speak very angrily or critically about it.
- If you rail at someone, you speak angrily to them.
rail (noun)
- A bar or series of bars, typically fixed on upright supports, serving as part of a fence or barrier or used to hang things on.
- A steel bar or continuous line of bars laid on the ground as one of a pair forming a railway track.
- A horizontal bar fixed between posts or stakes and serving as a barrier or support.
- A horizontal bar on which sliding or hanging doors or windows are supported.
- A horizontal bar at the foot of a bedstead.
- A metal bar forming part of the track on which racing cyclists compete.
- A set of bars forming a framework and set parallel to the length of a vehicle, for a person to hold on to when moving.
rail (verb)
- Complain or protest strongly and persistently about.
- (archaic) Express objection or disapproval of (something).
1. by rail:乘火车。
2. on the rail:在铁轨上;在轨道上。
3. off the rails:脱离正轨;走偏。
4. rail against/at someone/something:对某人/某事进行抱怨/责骂。
5. rail station:火车站。
6. rail traffic:铁路交通。
7. rail transport:铁路运输。
- She leaned against the rail and watched the sunset.(她靠在栏杆上,看着日落。)
- The train derailed and the rail was severely damaged.(火车脱轨,铁轨严重受损。)
- He slid the door open along the rail.(他沿着滑轨推开了门。)
- She accidentally kicked the foot rail of the bed.(她不小心踢到了床底下的脚轨。)
- He lost his balance and fell off the rail during the race.(他在比赛中失去了平衡,从轨道上摔了下来。)
- She held onto the railings as she descended the stairs.(下楼时,她抓住了扶手。)
- He spent hours at the gym, working on the parallel bars and rail.(他在健身房花了几个小时,练习双杠和单杠。)
- He constantly rails against the government's policies.(他不断抱怨政府的政策。)
- She railed at him for forgetting their anniversary.(她因为他忘记了他们的纪念日而对他大发雷霆。)
- We traveled by rail from London to Edinburgh.(我们从伦敦乘火车去爱丁堡旅行。)
- The rail network in this country is extensive and efficient.(这个国家的铁路网络广泛且高效。)
- The workers were laying new rails for the light rail system.(工人们在为轻轨系统铺设新的铁轨。)
- The railcar was filled with goods ready for transport.(铁路货车上装满了准备运输的货物。)
- Despite the constant railing, no changes were made to the policy.(尽管不断的抱怨,政策没有做出任何改变。)
- He railed against the unfairness of the decision.(他对这个决定的不公正性大加抨击。)
- They built a new railhead to accommodate the increase in train traffic.(他们建造了一个新的铁路始发站以适应火车交通的增加。)
- The bicycle derailed when it hit a loose rail on the track.(自行车在碰到轨道上的松动铁轨时脱轨了。)
- He leaned against the rail, enjoying the view of the countryside.(他靠在栏杆上,欣赏着乡村的美景。)
- The train arrived at the rail station on time.(火车准时到达了火车站。)
- The rail traffic was disrupted due to a signaling problem.(由于信号问题,铁路交通受到了干扰。)
- They transported the goods by rail rather than by road.(他们选择通过铁路而不是公路运输货物。)