- 清晰可见的、易辨认的
- 印刷的、印刷术的
- 印刷、印刷品
- 字体、印刷体
- 印记、印痕
- 摘录、引用
- 印花布、条纹布
- 拓印、印痕
printer (n.) 打印机
printing (n.) 印刷
printout (n.) 打印输出
reprint (v.) 重印
printable (adj.) 可打印的
impress, reproduce, copy, publish
erase, delete
print (n.)
1. The print is the style in which letters are reproduced in written or printed documents.
2. Print is used to refer to newspapers and magazines, especially those that are serious or of high quality.
3. You can refer to a photograph that has been printed from a negative as a print.
4. A print is a mark, fingerprint, or piece of evidence left on a surface.
5. A print is a copy of a work of art made using a process such as etching or lithography.
6. If you make a print of a picture or photograph, you make a copy of it using a computer or a printing machine.
7. If you say that something such as a book or picture is in print, you mean that copies of it are being produced and sold.
8. If you say that something such as a book or picture is out of print, you mean that it is no longer being produced and sold.
9. If you put something in print or bring it into print, you arrange for it to be printed and published.
10. If you print a computer document, you produce a paper copy of it using a printer.
11. If you print a photograph, you produce a copy of it on paper.
12. If you print a series of numbers or letters, you write them clearly or in capital letters.
print (v.)
1. If you print something, you produce it in writing or in printed form, especially in a book or newspaper.
2. If a newspaper or magazine prints a story, article, or advertisement, it includes it in an issue.
3. If you print a photograph, you produce a copy of it on paper.
4. If you print a computer document, you produce a paper copy of it using a printer.
5. If you print something such as a letter or document, you write it in clear, neat writing.
print (n.)
1. The text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication, especially with reference to its size, form, or style.
2. A newspaper or magazine.
3. A photograph or picture developed from a photographic negative.
4. A mark made by a finger pressing on a surface.
5. A design made by pressing a painted hand or foot onto paper.
6. A fabric with a coloured pattern impressed on it by engraved rollers.
7. A copy of a work of art made by printing ink onto paper.
8. A fingerprint.
9. A piece of text, especially a short one, that is taken from a larger piece of writing.
10. A printed signature or heading.
print (v.)
1. Produce (books, newspapers, etc.), especially in large quantities, by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text or designs to paper.
2. Produce (text or a picture) in such a way.
3. Produce (a paper copy of electronic data) by means of a printer attached to a computer.
4. Write (letters, words, or other text) clearly in capital letters.
5. Make (a mark or design) by pressing or stamping a surface with an engraved or inked block, die, or stamp.
6. Impress a mark or design on (a surface) by pressing or stamping with an engraved or inked block, die, or stamp.
7. Record (a fact or occurrence) in permanent form.
1. in print - 还在出版;还在印行
例:This book is no longer in print.
2. out of print - 已绝版;已停止印行
例:This album is out of print.
3. put/bring something into print - 准备印刷某物;将某物付梓
例:The author plans to bring his new novel into print next year.
- She had a print of the painting on her wall. 她在墙上挂着一幅画的拓印。
- The detective found a print on the window sill. 侦探在窗台上发现了一个印记。
- The newspaper print is too small for me to read. 我读不清报纸上的字体太小了。
- He collected rare prints of famous paintings. 他收集了名画的稀有拓印。
- The book is already in print. 这本书已经在印行了。
- Can you please print this document for me? 你能帮我打印这份文件吗?
- I need to print out the boarding pass before we leave. 我需要在出发前打印登机牌。
- The newspaper printed the story on the front page. 报纸在头版刊登了这个故事。
- She carefully printed her name on the application form. 她仔细地在申请表上写下了她的名字。
- Could you please print this photo for me? 你能帮我将这张照片打印出来吗?
- The teacher asked the students to print their essays neatly. 老师要求学生们把文章写得整洁。
- The author decided to put his manuscript into print. 作者决定将他的手稿付印。
- She was excited to see her name in print for the first time. 她第一次看到自己的名字在印刷物上感到兴奋。
- I love the smell of fresh print in a new book. 我喜欢新书上的印刷品散发出的清新气味。
- The artist imprinted her hand on the canvas. 艺术家在画布上留下了她的手印。
- The company plans to reprint the best-selling novel. 公司计划重印这本畅销小说。
- He has a vast collection of rare book prints. 他有一大批稀有图书的版本。
- The newspaper has been printing for over a hundred years. 这家报纸已经发行了一百多年。
- She printed the email and highlighted the important parts. 她打印了这封电子邮件,并标出了重要部分。
- The document should be printed out and signed. 应该打印出来并签字。
- The album cover features a print of the band's logo. 专辑封面上有乐队标志的印刷图案。