file [adj.]
- 整齐的;有序的
The documents were neatly filed in cabinets.
file [n.] (plural: files)
- 文件;档案
Please make sure to keep all the important files safe.
请确保把所有重要的文件保管好。 - 文件夹;卷宗
He took out a file from the drawer.
他从抽屉里拿出了一个文件夹。 - 锉刀
He used a file to smooth the rough edges of the wood.
他用锉刀把木头的粗糙边缘打磨光滑。 - 队伍;行列
The soldiers marched in file towards the training ground.
士兵们成排地向训练场行进。 - 档案室;文件柜
The files are kept in a locked room.
文件被放在一个上锁的房间里。 - 档案员;秘书
The file is responsible for organizing and managing the documents.
档案员负责组织和管理文件。 - 线索;案卷
The detective studied the files related to the crime.
侦探研究了与该犯罪案件有关的线索。 - (计算机)文件
I saved the document as a file on my computer.
1. file vs. document
He organized his files and sorted the important documents.
2. file vs. folder
She placed the papers in the correct files and stored them in the appropriate folders.
1. file cabinet:文件柜
2. file format:文件格式
3. file sharing:文件共享
4. file transfer:文件传输
5. file storage:文件存储
- document
- record
- paperwork
- dossier
- discard
- delete
- destroy
- plural noun
Files are reports or documents that contain information about a particular subject or activity. - plural noun
Files are collections of information, for example, on people or things. - plural noun
Files are a collection of information that is stored under a particular name on a computer. - plural noun
Files are a collection of data or information that is stored as a single unit on a computer. - plural noun
Files are a collection of related pieces of information that are kept on a computer and can be looked at and printed.
- noun
A collection of information about a particular person or thing. - noun
A collection of computer data that is treated as a single unit by a computer program and is often compressed or encrypted. - noun
A collection of related data or program records stored on some input/output or auxiliary storage medium.
1. file as a noun:
- He stored the important documents in a file.
- The detective examined the files related to the case.
2. file as a verb:
- Please file the documents in the designated folders.
- She filed a complaint with the police.
- She organized the files alphabetically.
她按字母顺序整理了文件。 - Can you find the file labeled "Important Documents"?
你能找到标着“重要文件”的文件夹吗? - The company keeps all employee records in separate files.
公司将所有员工档案分别存放。 - He used a file to smooth the rough edges of the metal.
他用锉刀把金属的粗糙边缘打磨光滑。 - The students lined up in file and entered the classroom.
学生们成队排列并进入教室。 - Please make sure to file the paperwork correctly.
请确保正确地归档文件。 - The detective examined the file for clues.
侦探检查案卷以寻找线索。 - She saved the document as a file on her computer.
她将这份文件保存为计算机文件。 - He was appointed as the head file clerk.
他被任命为主管档案的职员。 - The files are stored in a secure location.
文件被存放在安全的地方。 - The file contained confidential information.
文件中包含机密信息。 - She organized the office files by date.
她按日期整理了办公室的文件。 - He accessed the file on the shared drive.
他访问了共享驱动器上的文件。 - The company is transferring all paper files to digital storage.
公司正在将所有纸质文件转移到数字存储中。 - After finishing the project, he archived the files.
完成项目后,他把文件存档。 - The lawyer prepared the legal file for the court case.
律师为法庭案件准备了法律档案。 - The file was too large to send via email.
该文件太大,无法通过电子邮件发送。 - She created a backup of the important files.
她备份了重要文件。 - He couldn't find the file he needed on his computer.
他在电脑上找不到他需要的文件。 - The file was corrupted and couldn't be opened.
文件损坏,无法打开。 - She needed to update the client files.