1. files (adj.) - 归档的,文件的
1. files (n.) - 文件;档案
2. files (n.) - 文件夹;卷宗
3. files (n.) - 文件集合;案卷
4. files (n.) - (电脑)文件
5. files (n.) - 档案室
1. file (n.) - 单一文件
2. folder (n.) - 存储文件的容器,可以包含多个文件
3. directory (n.) - 存储文件和文件夹的容器,也可以包含其他子目录
1. file cabinet (n.) - 文件柜
2. file management (n.) - 文件管理
3. file format (n.) - 文件格式
4. file sharing (n.) - 文件共享
1. documents (n.) - 文档
2. records (n.) - 记录
3. papers (n.) - 文件
1. delete (v.) - 删除
2. discard (v.) - 丢弃
files (noun)
1. A file is a box or a folded piece of heavy paper or plastic in which letters or documents are kept.
2. Files are a collection of information or ideas on a particular person, subject, or thing.
3. Files are the documents relating to a particular person or thing, which are gathered together and filed.
4. In computing, a file is a collection of data that is stored in a computer system and can be given a name and usually a unique identification.
files (noun)
1. A folder or box for holding loose papers together and in order for easy reference.
2. A collection of data stored in a computer's memory or on a storage device under a single identifying name.
3. A collection of information about a particular person or thing.
4. A line of people or things one behind another.
1. Please organize these documents into separate files.
2. The lawyer reviewed the files before the trial.
3. I can't find the file I saved on my computer.
4. The librarian is responsible for managing the library's files.
5. The secretary filed the important papers in the file cabinet.
- She keeps all her important documents in a file. 她把所有重要文件都放在一个文件夹里。
- Please make sure to put the report in the correct file. 请确保将报告放入正确的文件夹中。
- I need to access the files on my computer. 我需要访问我电脑上的文件。
- The detective reviewed the files of the suspects. 侦探审查了嫌疑犯的档案。
- He organized his receipts into separate files. 他把收据按照不同的文件夹整理。
- The company's financial files are stored securely. 公司的财务档案被安全地存储。
- Can you help me find the file I was working on yesterday? 你能帮我找到昨天我正在处理的文件吗?
- The files on the computer were corrupted and couldn't be opened. 电脑上的文件损坏了,无法打开。
- She is responsible for managing the client's files. 她负责管理客户的档案。
- He placed the important documents in the file cabinet. 他把重要文件放在文件柜里。
- The company's files are organized alphabetically. 公司的档案按字母顺序整理。
- I'll create a new file to store all the project documents. 我会创建一个新的文件来存储所有项目文件。
- The secretary filed the contracts in the appropriate file. 秘书将合同归档到适当的文件夹中。
- The files are stored in the cloud for easy access. 这些文件被存储在云端,方便访问。
- The police detective reviewed the suspect's criminal file. 警方侦探查看了嫌疑人的犯罪档案。
- He joined the end of the file and waited for his turn. 他排在队伍的末尾等待自己的轮次。
- Make sure to save the file before closing the program. 在关闭程序之前,一定要保存文件。
- The department is responsible for maintaining patient files. 这个部门负责维护病人的档案。
- She sorted the documents into different files based on their categories. 她根据类别将文件分类整理。
- He accidentally deleted the file and couldn't recover it. 他不小心删除了文件,无法恢复。