1. 跟踪的,追踪的 (relating to tracking or tracing)
1. 轨道,轨迹 (a path or trail left behind by someone or something)
2. 音轨,曲目 (a separate song or piece of music on a recording)
3. 足迹,脚印 (the mark left by the passage of a person or animal)
4. 痕迹,迹象 (a visible sign or evidence of something)
5. 跑道,小路 (a path or trail, especially one made by vehicles or animals)
6. 铁轨,轨道 (a pair of parallel rails on which trains run)
7. 耳轨,耳套 (a part of a record player or cassette player that holds the needle or magnetic head)
1. keep track of something: 跟踪某事物
2. lose track of time: 忘记时间
3. on the right/wrong track: 在正确/错误的轨道上
4. make tracks: 离开,走掉
trail, path, route, rail, pathway
lead, guide
Tracks (名词)
- A track is a narrow road or path.
- A track is a pair of metal bars along which trains run.
- If you keep track of something, you have all the most recent information about it.
- If you lose track of someone or something, you no longer have any information about them or any control over them.
- If you say that someone is on the right track, you approve of what they are doing or saying because you think it is likely to be successful.
Tracks (动词)
- If you track someone or something, you follow them, especially by looking for signs that show where they have gone.
- If you track the course or progress of something, you follow it closely, usually by collecting information about it.
Tracks (名词)
- A rough path or minor road, typically one beaten by use rather than constructed.
- A prepared course or circuit for athletes, horses, motor vehicles, bicycles, or dogs to race on.
- A continuous line of rails on a railway.
- A mark or line of marks left by a person, animal, or vehicle in passing.
Tracks (动词)
- Follow the course or trail of (someone or something), typically in order to find them or note their location at various points.
- Monitor or observe someone's activities.
- He lost the tracks of the escaped prisoner in the dense forest. (他在茂密的森林里追丢了逃犯的踪迹。)
- I love listening to the tracks on this album. (我喜欢听这张专辑上的曲目。)
- The detective carefully examined the tracks left at the crime scene. (侦探仔细检查了犯罪现场留下的痕迹。)
- The hiker followed the tracks of the deer through the woods. (徒步旅行者沿着鹿的足迹穿过了树林。)
- We should keep track of our expenses to manage our budget effectively. (我们应该记录我们的开支,以有效管理预算。)
- I lost track of time while engrossed in the book. (我沉浸在书中,忘记了时间。)
- She is definitely on the right track with her research. (她在研究方面肯定是在正确的轨道上。)
- The hunter tracked the elusive prey for hours. (猎人追踪这只难以捉摸的猎物数小时。)
- The company tracks customer behavior to improve their marketing strategies. (公司追踪客户行为以改进他们的营销策略。)
- He's always been good at tracking animals in the wilderness. (他一直擅长在荒野中追踪动物。)
- She's been tracking his social media posts to gather information. (她一直在追踪他的社交媒体帖子以收集信息。)
- The runners lined up at the starting track. (运动员们在起跑线上排列队伍。)
- The train derailed and went off the tracks. (火车出轨了。)
- The archaeologists discovered ancient tracks of a prehistoric animal. (考古学家们发现了一种史前动物的古老足迹。)
- She tried to cover her tracks by deleting the email. (她试图通过删除邮件来销毁证据。)
- The record player's needle is worn out and not tracking properly. (唱机的唱针磨损了,无法正确播放。)
- He made tracks after realizing he was late for the meeting. (他意识到自己迟到了,于是匆匆离开。)
- The satellite is tracking the movement of the storm. (卫星正在追踪风暴的移动。)
- She tracked the progress of the project through regular meetings. (她通过定期会议追踪项目的进展。)
- They tracked the suspect's location using GPS. (他们使用GPS追踪嫌疑人的位置。)
- He tracks his expenses in a spreadsheet to keep his finances organized. (他在电子表格中追踪他的开支,以保持财务有序。)