中英词典 - "succeeds"
1. 成功的 (chénggōng de)
2. 继任的 (jìrèn de)
1. 继任者 (jìrènzhě)
2. 成功的事物 (chénggōng de shìwù)
"succeed" 和 "replace" 的区别在于 "succeed" 强调继任或取代某人或某事,而 "replace" 强调取代某人或某物并代之以新的。
1. 成功 (chénggōng) - success
2. 成功者 (chénggōngzhě) - achiever
3. 继任 (jìrèn) - succession
4. 接替 (jiētì) - take over
1. achieve - 实现 (shíxiàn)
2. accomplish - 完成 (wánchéng)
3. prosper - 繁荣 (fánróng)
4. thrive - 兴旺 (xīngwàng)
1. fail - 失败 (shībài)
2. lose - 失去 (shīqù)
3. give up - 放弃 (fàngqì)
succeed (动词)
1. If you succeed, you manage to do what you are trying to do.
2. If one thing or person succeeds another, they come after them in a series or in a particular order.
succeed (动词)
1. Achieve the desired aim or result.
2. Take over a throne, inheritance, office, or other position from.
1. He succeeds in almost everything he does. (他几乎在所做的一切事情上都取得了成功。)
2. The team's hard work finally succeeded. (团队的辛勤工作终于获得了成功。)
3. After several attempts, she finally succeeded in passing the exam. (经过几次尝试,她终于成功通过了考试。)
4. The new CEO succeeded in turning the company's fortunes around. (新任首席执行官成功扭转了公司的命运。)
5. He succeeded his father as the chairman of the board. (他继任了父亲的董事会主席职位。)
6. The prince succeeded to the throne after the king's death. (国王去世后,王子继位了。)
7. The student's hard work and dedication succeeded in receiving a scholarship. (学生的努力和奉献获得了奖学金。)
8. The project succeeded beyond all expectations. (这个项目超出了所有人的预期而取得了成功。)
9. She succeeded her sister as the head of the family. (她继任了姐姐的家族长一职。)
10. With determination and perseverance, he succeeded in climbing the mountain. (凭着决心和毅力,他成功地攀登了山顶。)
11. The company's marketing strategy succeeded in attracting new customers. (公司的营销策略成功吸引了新客户。)
12. Despite facing many obstacles, they succeeded in completing the project on time. (尽管面临许多障碍,他们还是成功按时完成了项目。)
13. The student succeeded in getting the highest score in the class. (学生成功获得了班级中的最高分。)
14. After years of hard work, he finally succeeded in opening his own restaurant. (经过多年的辛勤努力,他终于成功开了自己的餐厅。)
15. The team's collaboration and teamwork succeeded in winning the championship. (团队的合作和团队精神成功赢得了冠军。)
16. The plan succeeded due to careful planning and execution. (这个计划由于精心的策划和执行而成功。)
17. The artist's unique style and talent succeeded in capturing the audience's attention. (艺术家独特的风格和才华成功地吸引了观众的注意力。)
18. The company's new product succeeded in surpassing its competitors in sales. (公司的新产品成功地超过了竞争对手的销售额。)
19. She succeeded in convincing her parents to let her study abroad. (她成功地说服父母让她出国留学。)
20. The team's persistence and hard work finally succeeded in winning the championship. (团队的坚持和辛勤工作终于成功赢得了冠军。)