1. 按孔的;有孔的
2. 用冲压机加工的;冲压成型的
3. 受到重击的;被打的;遭到暴力袭击的
1. 按孔;打孔
2. 冲压;冲孔
3. 殴打;击打
1. punched card:打孔卡
2. punched tape:打孔纸带
3. punch-hole:打孔
1. puncher:打孔器;冲床机手
2. punchable:可冲压的;可打孔的
3. unpunched:未打孔的
hit, strike, smack, thump
fix, mend, repair
Punched (形容词):
1. If something is punched, it has a small hole or holes in it, often made by a machine.
2. If you describe a person or thing as punched, you mean that they have been hit hard, or that they have been treated violently.
Punched (名词):
1. Punched is used to describe things that have been made using a machine that punches holes in them.
2. Punched is used to describe things that have been made using a machine that shapes them by hitting them very hard.
3. Punched is used to describe things that have been made by hitting them very hard.
Punched (形容词):
1. (of a machine) perforate (a material or surface) with a hole or holes.
2. (of a person) hit with force.
1. He punched a hole in the paper with a pen.
2. The boxer was punched in the face and knocked out.
3. She used a punch to create decorative shapes in the metal.
- He punched a hole in the paper with a pen. (他用钢笔在纸上打了一个孔。)
- The boxer was punched in the face and knocked out. (那名拳击手被打中脸部,被打晕了过去。)
- She used a punch to create decorative shapes in the metal. (她使用冲床在金属上制造装饰形状。)
- The document was punched and filed away. (这份文件已经打孔并归档。)
- He punched the bully in the nose. (他猛击了那个恶霸的鼻子。)
- The machine punched holes in the fabric. (机器在布料上打孔。)
- Her face was bruised and punched. (她的脸上青一块紫一块的,好像被打过。)
- The card has a punched code on it. (卡片上有一个打孔的代码。)
- The punched tape is used to control the computer. (打孔纸带被用来控制计算机。)
- He punched his fist into the air in celebration. (他举起拳头庆祝。)
- The machine punched the metal sheet into a specific shape. (机器将金属板冲压成特定形状。)
- The victim was punched repeatedly by the attacker. (受害者被攻击者反复殴打。)
- The boxer punched his opponent in the stomach. (拳击手击中对手的胃部。)
- The punched card can be used for data storage. (打孔卡可以用于数据存储。)
- The suspect was punched during the interrogation. (嫌疑犯在审讯过程中遭到殴打。)
- She punched a hole in the lid of the can. (她在罐盖上打了一个孔。)
- The machine punched out thousands of tickets per hour. (机器每小时冲出数千张票。)
- He punched the code into the keypad. (他在键盘上输入了代码。)
- The punched tape was used to input data into the computer. (打孔纸带被用来向计算机输入数据。)
- She punched him in the arm to get his attention. (她打了他一下胳膊,以引起他的注意。)
- The punched design on the leather bag adds a unique touch. (皮包上的冲压设计增添了独特的风格。)