- fringe (adj.): 毛边的;边缘的
- fringed (adj.): 有毛边的;有边缘的
- fringe (n.): 刘海;饰边;边缘
- fringes (n.): 边缘地区
fringe 和 edge 都指边缘,但 edge 更常用于表示物体的边界或边缘,而 fringe 更常用于表示某物的外围、边缘地区或边缘成员。
- fringy (adj.): 有毛边的;边缘的
- fringelike (adj.): 毛边似的;边缘状的
- fringiness (n.): 毛边性质;边缘性质
- border (n.): 边缘;边界
- margin (n.): 边缘;页边
- periphery (n.): 外围;边缘
- hem (n.): 边缘;褶边
- center (n.): 中心
- core (n.): 核心
1. n. A fringe is a border of hanging threads, strips, or pieces attached to and hanging down from the edge of something such as a curtain, piece of clothing, or flag.
2. n. If you refer to groups of people as the fringes of a larger group, you mean that they are the less important members or are at the extreme ends of it.
3. n. The fringe of an area is a part of it that is on the outside edge.
4. n. The fringes of a town are its outer edges.
5. n. If something is on the fringe of a particular thing or group, it is not central to it or is less important than the main part.
6. n. The fringes of an activity or subject are the less important aspects of it.
7. n. If something is on the fringe of a place, it is on the outside edge of it.
8. adj. Fringe is used to describe people or groups who are on the edge of a larger group and are less important or influential than the main part of the group.
9. adj. A fringe activity is not part of the main activity of a group of people, but is regarded as unusual, extreme, or false by most people.
1. n. An ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, used to edge clothing or material.
2. n. The outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.
3. n. A band of contrasting appearances or attitudes resulting from ideological or cultural divergence.
4. n. A natural border of hair or fibres.
5. adj. Not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral, or extreme.
- She wore a dress with a fringe of beads.
- The party attracts the fringes of both the left and the right.
- They live on the fringe of the forest.
- The house is located on the fringes of the city.
- His views were seen as being on the fringe of acceptability.
- Her research explores the fringes of quantum physics.
- They have a cottage on the fringe of the lake.
- He is a fringe member of the organization.
- Paranormal activities are often considered to be on the fringe.
- She wore a dress with a fringe of beads. (她穿着一条有珠子毛边的裙子。)
- The party attracts the fringes of both the left and the right. (该党派吸引了左右两派的边缘人物。)
- They live on the fringe of the forest. (他们住在森林的边缘。)
- The house is located on the fringes of the city. (这所房子位于城市的边缘地带。)
- His views were seen as being on the fringe of acceptability. (他的观点被认为是不可接受的边缘观点。)
- Her research explores the fringes of quantum physics. (她的研究探索了量子物理学的边缘领域。)
- They have a cottage on the fringe of the lake. (他们在湖边有一间小屋。)
- He is a fringe member of the organization. (他是该组织的边缘成员。)
- Paranormal activities are often considered to be on the fringe. (超自然活动通常被认为是边缘活动。)
- The curtain had a fringed edge. (帘子有毛边。)
- She wore a scarf with fringed ends. (她戴着一条两端有饰边的围巾。)
- His jacket was fringed with fur. (他的夹克上镶着毛边。)
- The fringy leaves of the plant were turning yellow. (植物的毛边叶子开始变黄。)
- The fringelike design gave the dress a unique look. (毛边般的设计使这件连衣裙具有独特的外观。)
- The fringiness of her outfit made her stand out in the crowd. (她的装束的边缘性质使她在人群中脱颖而出。)
- The border between the two countries is heavily guarded. (两国之间的边界有重兵把守。)
- The book has wide margins for taking notes. (这本书有宽阔的页边可以做笔记。)
- They live on the periphery of society. (他们生活在社会的边缘。)
- The dress had a delicate hem along the bottom. (这件连衣裙底部有一条精致的褶边。)
- The center of the city is bustling with activity. (城市中心熙熙攘攘,充满了活力。)
- The core of the problem lies in poor communication. (问题的核心在于沟通不畅。)