《柯林斯词典》(Collins Dictionary)中英翻译介绍
dusty: 覆盖着灰尘的
dust: 灰尘
dust: 尘土
dust: 粉末
《牛津词典》(Oxford Dictionary)中英翻译介绍
dusty: 覆盖着灰尘的
dust: 灰尘
dust: 尘土
dust: 粉末
1. dust versus dirt:
- dust强调干燥的微小颗粒,常指来自地面的细灰尘;
- dirt泛指任何种类的污垢,包括尘土、泥土等。
2. dust versus powder:
- dust通常指含有固体颗粒的干燥物质,如灰尘、尘土;
- powder则指细粉末状物质,如面粉、草粉、矿物粉末等。
dust bowl: 尘土风暴(常指在干旱地区因缺乏植被覆盖而导致的沙尘暴)
dust bunny: 灰尘球(尤指在角落或隐蔽处积聚的灰尘)
dust jacket: 封面纸(尤指书籍封面上的保护套)
dust storm: 尘暴(强风吹起地面尘土形成的风暴)
powder: 粉末
grit: 沙粒
soot: 煤烟
ash: 灰烬
debris: 碎片
clean: 清洁的
tidy: 整洁的
neat: 干净的
1. 名词用法:
dust something off: 除去(尘土、污垢)
dust settles: 尘埃落定
dust the furniture: 擦拭家具
2. 动词用法:
dust for fingerprints: 搜寻指纹
dust crops: 除去庄稼上的尘土
dust the shelves: 擦拭书架
- She wiped the dust off the shelf. 她擦去了书架上的灰尘。
- The car was covered in dust after the long journey. 这辆汽车在漫长的旅程后被尘土覆盖。
- We need to dust the furniture before the guests arrive. 客人到达之前我们需要擦拭家具。
- The road was dry and dusty. 那条路干燥而多尘。
- He used a feather duster to remove the dust from the lampshade. 他用羽毛掸子清除灯罩上的灰尘。
- The old books were covered in a thick layer of dust. 这些旧书上积满了厚厚的灰尘。
- A sudden gust of wind blew dust into his eyes. 一阵突然的大风把灰尘吹进了他的眼睛。
- She wiped the dust off the photograph with a soft cloth. 她用软布把照片上的灰尘擦掉。
- The children were playing happily in the dusty yard. 孩子们在尘土飞扬的院子里愉快地玩耍。
- The potter shaped the clay into a vase, then left it to dry and covered it with a dust sheet. 陶工将黏土塑成一个花瓶,然后让它干燥,并用尘土布盖住。
- The room had a musty smell from the accumulation of dust. 房间因为积聚了灰尘而有一股发霉的气味。
- She sprinkled dusting powder on the baby's bottom before putting on a clean diaper. 她在给宝宝换干净尿布之前,在宝宝的屁股上撒了一些爽身粉。
- The old painting was covered in a fine layer of dust. 这幅古老的画上积满了一层细细的尘土。
- He wiped the dust off the bookshelf with a damp cloth. 他用湿布把书架上的灰尘擦掉。
- The dusty road led to a small village in the mountains. 这条尘土飞扬的道路通向山区的一个小村庄。
- It's important to wear a mask when working with fine dust particles. 在处理细小粉尘颗粒时,戴口罩很重要。
- She carefully blew the dust off the delicate china figurines. 她小心翼翼地吹去了精致的瓷器人偶上的灰尘。
- He used a duster to remove the dust from the surface of the wooden table. 他用除尘器从木桌表面清除灰尘。
- After the construction work, the entire room was covered in a thick layer of dust. 施工后,整个房间都被厚厚的尘土覆盖。
- The wind blew the dust into his eyes, making them red and irritated. 风把灰尘吹进他的眼睛,使它们变得红肿和发炎。
- She used a feather duster to gently remove the dust from the delicate ornaments. 她用羽毛扫把轻轻地擦去了精美饰品上的尘土。