1. 口 - The opening through which an animal or human takes in food. - 動物或人類進食的開口 - Example: Open your mouth and say "ah". - 張開嘴巴說「啊」。 2. 喇叭口 - The open end or entrance of a cave, hole, container, etc. - 洞穴、孔洞、容器等的開口或入口 - Example: The dragon's mouth was wide open. - 那條龍的嘴巴張得很大。 3. 语言 - The use of a particular language or the ability to speak. - 使用特定語言或說話能力 - Example: He has a foul mouth and often uses offensive language. - 他口無遮攔,常使用冒犯性的語言。动词
1. 说 - To speak or pronounce something. - 說話或發音 - Example: She mouthed her lines perfectly during the play. - 她在演出時完美地模仿了自己的台詞。形容词
1. 多嘴的 - Given to talking a lot; talkative. - 喜歡說話的;健談的 - Example: My grandmother is a bit of a mouthy woman. - 我的祖母有點多嘴。词语辨析
Mouth vs. Speak vs. Talk - "Mouth" emphasizes the physical aspect of the mouth and can refer to the opening through which food is taken in or the act of speaking. - "Mouth" 強調嘴的生理方面,可以指進食的開口或說話的行為。 - "Speak" is a general term for communicating verbally and can refer to any form of verbal expression. - "Speak" 是一個通用的用於口頭交流的詞語,可以指任何形式的口頭表達。 - "Talk" usually implies a conversation or discussion between two or more people. - "Talk" 通常暗示兩個或更多人之間的對話或討論。词汇扩充
1. loudmouth - Someone who talks loudly and often without considering the feelings or opinions of others. - 大聲且經常不考慮他人感受或意見的人 - Example: He's such a loudmouth, always interrupting others and talking over them. - 他真是個嘴巴大,總是打斷別人,並且話總比別人多。 2. cottonmouth - A venomous snake of the southeastern United States that opens its mouth wide when threatened. - 美國東南部的一種有毒蛇,受到威脅時會張開嘴巴 - Example: Be careful when hiking in the swamp, there might be cottonmouths around. - 在沼澤地徒步旅行時要小心,那裡可能有棉口蛇。近义词
1.口 - 嘴巴 (móuzuǐ) - 龙口 (lóngkǒu) - 唇 (chún) - 口腔 (kǒuqiāng) 2. 说 - 说话 (shuōhuà) - 讲 (jiǎng) - 告诉 (gàosu) - 表达 (biǎodá) 3. 多嘴的 - 多话 (duōhuà) - 爱说话 (ài shuōhuà) - 健谈 (jiàntán) - 善谈 (shàntán)反义词
1.口 - 耳 (ér) - 鼻 (bí) - 眼 (yǎn) - 手 (shǒu) 2. 说 - 听 (tīng) - 默默 (mòmò) - 缄默 (jiānmò) - 沉默 (chénmò) 3. 多嘴的 - 缄默寡言 (jiānmò guǎyán) - 沉默寡言 (chénmò guǎyán) - 少言寡语 (shǎoyán guǎyǔ) - 寡言 (guǎyán)柯林斯词典
1. mouth [noun]
- The opening through which a person or animal takes in food. - Example: The baby put the spoon in its mouth. - Example translation: 宝宝把勺子放进嘴里。 - The part of a river where it enters the sea. - Example: The river widened as it approached the mouth. - Example translation: 河流在接近河口处变宽。2. mouth [verb]
- To form words with the lips without producing any sound. - Example: She mouthed the words "I love you" across the room. - Example translation: 她在房间里对着他嘴里说出“我爱你”的话。牛津词典
1. mouth [noun]
- The opening in the face of a person or animal through which food is eaten and by which sounds, especially speech, are produced. - Example: She stuffed the food into her mouth. - Example translation: 她往嘴里塞食物。2. mouth [verb]
- To say something pompously or self-importantly, especially in a way that is not sincere or justified. - Example: He mouthed platitudes about 'equality of opportunity'. - Example translation: 他滔滔不绝地说着关于“机会平等”的陈词滥调。用法
1. The child had chocolate all around his mouth.
- 这孩子嘴巴周围都是巧克力。2. The dog opened its mouth to catch the ball.
- 狗张开嘴巴接住了球。3. The river mouth is where the river meets the sea.
- 河口是河流与大海相交的地方。4. She spoke with a smile on her mouth.
- 她微笑着说话。5. The child's mouth was full of food.
- 孩子满嘴都是食物。6. He couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth.
- 他无法相信她嘴里说的话。7. The cat had a mouse in its mouth.
- 猫嘴里叼着一只老鼠。8. The baby put everything in its mouth.
- 宝宝把一切都放进嘴里。9. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out.
- 她张开嘴巴尖叫,但却没有声音。10. He has a big mouth and always brags about his achievements.
- 他嘴巴大,总是吹嘘自己的成就。11. Don't put your money where your mouth is.
- 别光说不做。12. The teacher asked him to mouth the words silently.
- 老师要求他默默地嘴唇动出字。13. She mouthed the words "I love you" across the room.
- 她在房间里对着他嘴里说出“我爱你”的话。14. He mouthed the lyrics to the song as it played.
- 他随着歌曲的播放嘴唇动出歌词。15. The politician mouthed empty promises during his campaign.
- 这位政治家在竞选期间口出空言。16. She had a bitter taste in her mouth after the argument.
- 争吵后,她心里有种苦腻的感觉。17. The river mouth is an important habitat for many species of fish.
- 河口是许多鱼类的重要栖息地。18. He spoke with a mouth full of food, making it difficult to understand him.
- 他边说话边满嘴食物,让人难以理解。19. The company's CEO is all talk and no action.
- 公司的CEO只是说空话,没有行动。20. He stood there with his mouth open, unable to speak.
- 他站在那儿张着嘴,无法说话。