surveys (noun)
1. A survey is a detailed study of a subject or a place, especially one made in order to find out information or to discover new things.
2. A survey is a set of questions that you ask a large number of people in order to find out about their opinions or behaviour.
3. A survey is a report on the result of a survey.
surveys (noun)
1. A survey is a general view, examination, or description of something.
2. A survey is a detailed study of the opinions, behaviour, etc. of a group of people, which is usually done by asking them questions.
- The company conducted a survey to determine customer satisfaction levels. (该公司进行了一项调查,以确定客户满意度水平。)
- They sent out a survey to gather feedback from the employees. (他们派发了一份调查问卷,以收集员工的反馈意见。)
- The government conducted a survey on the prevalence of smoking among teenagers. (政府对青少年吸烟的普遍情况进行了调查。)
- The survey revealed a high level of dissatisfaction among customers. (调查显示客户的不满程度很高。)
- We need to conduct a survey before making any decisions. (在做出任何决定之前,我们需要进行一项调查。)
- According to the survey, the majority of people prefer online shopping. (根据调查,大多数人更喜欢网上购物。)
- The survey results indicate a decline in sales. (调查结果显示销售额下降。)
- She filled out a survey form to provide feedback on the product. (她填写了一份调查表,以提供对该产品的反馈意见。)
- The company commissioned a survey to assess the market demand for their new product. (该公司委托进行一项调查,评估市场对他们新产品的需求情况。)
- The survey data will be analyzed to identify trends and patterns. (将对调查数据进行分析,以确定趋势和模式。)
- He conducted a survey of the neighborhood to gather opinions on the proposed development. (他对社区进行了一项调查,以收集对拟议发展的意见。)
- The survey report was presented to the board of directors. (调查报告被提交给董事会。)
- A survey team was sent to assess the damage caused by the earthquake. (一支调查队被派去评估地震造成的损害。)
- The survey revealed a lack of awareness among the population about the health risks. (调查显示人们对健康风险的认识不足。)
- She conducted a survey of the local flora and fauna for her research project. (她对当地的动植物进行了一项调查,用于她的研究项目。)
- The survey findings will be used to inform future policy decisions. (调查结果将用于指导未来的政策决策。)
- They sent out a customer satisfaction survey to gather feedback on their services. (他们派发了一份客户满意度调查问卷,以收集对他们的服务的反馈意见。)
- A survey of the area revealed several potential sites for the new factory. (对该地区的调查揭示了几个新工厂的潜在场址。)
- The survey results were unexpected and raised new questions. (调查结果出人意料,引发了新的问题。)
- They conducted a survey to determine the impact of the new policy. (他们进行了一项调查,以确定新政策的影响。)
- The survey data was analyzed and presented in a comprehensive report. (调查数据进行了分析,并以一份全面的报告呈现。)