1. staple /ˈsteɪpl/ (基本的;主要的)词义:constituting the principal or most important item or feature.
- Wheat is a staple crop in many countries. (小麦是许多国家的主要作物。)
- Rice is a staple food in many Asian countries. (大米是许多亚洲国家的主食。)
1. staple /ˈsteɪpl/ (主要产品;主食)词义:the main or important element of something.
- Rice and wheat are staples in many Asian countries. (大米和小麦是许多亚洲国家的主食。)
- The staple exports of the country include coffee and bananas. (这个国家的主要出口产品包括咖啡和香蕉。)
词义:a small, thin piece of wire with two short, pointed ends that is used to fasten sheets of paper together.
- Could you pass me the stapler, please? I need to staple these papers together. (请把订书机递给我,我要把这些纸张装订在一起。)
- Be careful with the stapler, the ends are sharp. (小心订书机,尖端很锋利。)
staple diet /ˈsteɪpl/ (主食;固定饮食)词义:the main food that is regularly eaten by a person or group.
- For most of the world's population, rice is a staple diet. (对于全球大多数人口来说,大米是主食。)
- The staple diet of the villagers consists of fish and vegetables. (村民的主食是鱼和蔬菜。)
词义:goods that are in constant demand and widely used, forming a regular part of the basic necessities of life.
- During the pandemic, the demand for staple goods like toilet paper and canned food increased significantly. (在大流行期间,厕纸和罐头食品等主要商品的需求显著增加。)
- The store stocks a wide range of staple goods for everyday needs. (这家商店备有各种日常所需的主要商品。)
1. main2. fundamental
3. primary
1. secondary2. auxiliary
1. 名词:
- If you describe something as a staple, you mean that it is a basic or important part of something.
- Staples are basic foods that are eaten in large quantities as part of the usual diet.
- A staple is a short, thin piece of wire that can be pushed through sheets of paper in order to fasten them together.
2. 形容词:
If you describe something as a staple food, product, or activity of a group of people, you mean that it is one of the most important and basic ones that they have or do.
- Curry is the national staple in India. (在印度,咖喱是国民主食。)
- Corn, a staple food for many Native American tribes, was grown in large quantities. (玉米是许多美洲原住民部落的主食,种植量很大。)
- Staples such as bread and milk were rationed during the war. (战争期间,面包和牛奶等主要食品实行定量供应。)
1. 名词:
- A staple is a main or important element of something.
- Staples are basic foods that are eaten in large quantities as part of the usual diet.
- A staple is a short, thin piece of wire that can be pushed through sheets of paper in order to fasten them together.
2. 形容词:
If you describe something as a staple food, product, or activity of a group of people, you mean that it is one of the most important and basic ones that they have or do.
- Pasta is a staple in the Italian diet. (意大利人的饮食中,面食是主食。)
- Corn is a staple crop in many parts of the world. (玉米是世界许多地区的主要作物。)
- She used a stapler to attach the papers together. (她用订书机把这些文件装订在一起。)
1. Rice and noodles are staples in many Asian cuisines. (米饭和面条是许多亚洲菜肴的主食。)2. The staple crops of this region are corn and soybeans. (这个地区的主要作物是玉米和大豆。)
3. The staple exports of the country include oil and textiles. (该国的主要出口产品包括石油和纺织品。)
4. The office supply store sells pens, paper, and staples. (办公用品店销售钢笔、纸张和订书钉。)
5. The staple diet of the villagers consists of fish and rice. (村民的主食是鱼和米饭。)
6. Wheat is a staple grain used in baking bread. (小麦是制作面包的主要谷物。)
7. The stapler ran out of staples, so I couldn't bind the papers together. (订书机的订书钉用完了,所以我无法把文件装订在一起。)
8. The factory produces thousands of staples every day. (这家工厂每天生产数千个订书钉。)
9. Potatoes are a staple crop in many countries. (土豆是许多国家的主要作物。)
10. The staple ingredients for this recipe are flour, sugar, and butter. (这道菜的主要成分是面粉、糖和黄油。)
11. The store sells a variety of staple goods, including canned food and cleaning supplies. (该店销售各种主要商品,包括罐装食品和清洁用品。)
12. The government is providing assistance to farmers who grow staple crops. (政府正在向种植主要作物的农民提供援助。)
13. Staple foods like rice and bread are essential for a balanced diet. (像大米和面包这样的主食对于均衡饮食是必不可少的。)
14. The stapler jammed and I couldn't fix it. (订书机卡住了,我无法修理它。)
15. The staple activity of the club is organizing charity events. (俱乐部的主要活动是组织慈善活动。)
16. Wheat is a staple crop in the Midwest region of the United States. (小麦是美国中西部地区的主要作物。)
17. The office assistant used a stapler to attach the documents together. (办公室助理使用订书机将文件粘合在一起。)
18. The staple exports of the country contribute significantly to its economy. (该国的主要出口产品对其经济有着重要贡献。)
19. The recipe calls for staples like salt and pepper. (这个食谱需要像盐和胡椒这样的基本调料。)
20. The stapler is located in the supply cabinet. (订书机放在供应柜里。)