- 垃圾;废物(不可数名词)
- 废话;胡说(不可数名词)
- 无价值的东西;废物(可数名词)
- 垃圾堆;垃圾场(可数名词)
- 废品;废物(可数名词)
- 无用的;无价值的
- 糟糕的;差劲的
- 荒谬的;愚蠢的
1. rubbish与garbage的区别在于,rubbish指的是一般的垃圾、废物,而garbage主要指的是厨余垃圾。
2. rubbish还可以用作形容词,表示无用的、糟糕的,而garbage则没有这个含义。
- rubbish bin:垃圾箱
- rubbish collection:垃圾收集
- rubbish chute:垃圾滑道
- rubbish disposal:垃圾处理
- rubbish dump:垃圾堆
- rubbish removal:垃圾清理
- waste
- garbage
- junk
- trash
- debris
- valuable
- treasure
- asset
- gem
rubbish (noun)
- Waste material or things that are no longer wanted or needed.
- Something that is considered to be of no value or quality.
- Unwanted or unimportant text, ideas, or information.
- Non-sense; foolish or untrue remarks or ideas.
rubbish (adjective)
- Worthless or of poor quality.
- Untrue or incorrect.
rubbish (noun)
- Waste material; refuse or litter.
- Discarded or waste matter.
- Something that is worthless or unimportant.
- Unwanted or unpleasant things or people.
- Informal; nonsense or worthless ideas, speech, or writing.
rubbish (adjective)
- Worthless or poor quality.
- Informal; very bad or poor.
rubbish 是一个常用的词汇,可用作名词和形容词。作为名词,它表示废物、垃圾的意思;作为形容词,它表示无用的、糟糕的意思。以下是一些例句:
- Put the rubbish in the bin. (把垃圾放在垃圾箱里。)
- Don't listen to his rubbish. (别听他胡说。)
- She threw away all the rubbish. (她扔掉了所有的废物。)
- His speech was full of rubbish. (他的讲话充满了废话。)
- That's a rubbish idea. (那是个糟糕的主意。)
- He is wearing a rubbish shirt. (他穿着一件质量差的衬衫。)
- The beach was covered in rubbish and seaweed. (海滩上满是垃圾和海草。)
- Don't believe his rubbish. (别相信他的胡说八道。)
- She threw all the rubbish into the dumpster. (她把所有垃圾都扔进了垃圾箱。)
- His argument is rubbish. (他的论点是无稽之谈。)
- That's a rubbish movie. (那是一部烂片。)
- We need to get rid of this rubbish. (我们需要摆脱这些垃圾。)
- He is always talking rubbish. (他总是说些废话。)
- Don't buy that, it's rubbish. (别买那个,那个烂透了。)
- The room was full of rubbish. (房间里堆满了垃圾。)
- Don't waste your time on his rubbish. (别把时间浪费在他的废话上。)
- He made a lot of rubbish claims. (他提出了很多无根据的主张。)
- The food in that restaurant is rubbish. (那家餐厅的食物糟透了。)
- She threw the rubbish out of the car window. (她把垃圾从车窗扔出去了。)
- His explanation was complete rubbish. (他的解释完全是胡扯。)
- There was a pile of rubbish on the street corner. (街角有一堆垃圾。)
- Stop talking rubbish and focus on the task. (别说废话了,专心做任务。)
- The service at that restaurant is rubbish. (那家餐厅的服务糟透了。)
- She threw the rubbish bag into the dumpster. (她把垃圾袋扔进了垃圾箱。)
- Don't believe his rubbish claims. (别相信他的无稽之谈。)
- The street was littered with rubbish. (大街上到处都是垃圾。)